Ryan Walters Is on a Mission (to Demolish Democracy)

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Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters wants to install a state church, betraying the Constitution, Democracy, and "We The People."
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I spent a good part of my life in Oklahoma, from the late 60’s until the mid-80’s getting educated and starting my career there.

I remember in the 60’s and 70’s seeing Tulsa striving to become a progressive city…. but then in the 80’s things started to rapidly change. I moved to the center of the state and saw things from an entirely different perspective. It was a small town that I lived and worked in… and it was one of the sleaziest places I ever encountered in my entire life. It was my first experience with so many Christian fundamentalist, and the term “hypocrites” doesn’t even begin to do it justice.

It was after Reagan came into power that I really started noticing the changes. Going to lunch with my colleagues… listening to Paul Harvey was out and Rush Limbaugh became was in. I was so happy when I got transferred to Denver!!

Since then I’ve seen the entire Midwest, where I grew up, become entirely unrecognizable to me. Most of my relatives have become some version of Trumptards, Christian Nationalists and some even proudly post their white supremacists symbols. I’m grateful my parents didn’t have to witness this.

It’s a disease that is spreading. I’m lucky to live in a blue state, but we have such an unstable populace in our country, we can’t afford to take anything for granted.


It takes a lot of patience and strength to endure all this bullying... Respect to all you American freethinkers... Thanks to you I have learned to appreciate our freedoms in my corner of the world (Eastern Europe)


I despair at the news that's been coming out of Oklahoma lately, especially that overtly racist conversation from that county in the southeastern corner of the state. We were lucky that it was even recorded in the first place; who knows how many similar conversations have happened in the past that have not been recorded?

Thank you for doing what you've been doing. I'm glad to know that there are voices like yours in these states that are speaking out against those that wish us harm.


I have never seen you sooo worked up . I can't blame you . When will people understand that these elected officials want to keep people ignorant ?


Powerful commentary Seth. Gave me chills. We inch closer to Gilead every day. Thank you for fighting against this nonsense.


It’s my home state too. I hope he fails.


Hello from Oklahoma City Seth. GREAT VIDEO!!!!


I just roll my eyes when anyone says “woke”


I really want to see these people pick up a rattlesnake and get bitten and then cite the Bible on how they will not be harmed.


Seth, Thank you for being the reason that I was able to break free of religion. I found your videos about two years ago and you have inspired me to become a critical thinker.


“No porn”? Are we going to be seeing a screen shot of this guy’s web browser on the news at some point in the near future?


Great content, love your speaking voice :)


Thankyou Seth for your frank and detailed exposure of this Christian ignoramus!!
We need you and more like you to keep exposing such hypocrisy!!


Ryan Walters should take responsibility for Oklahoma rating 49th in education and 49th in healthcare.


I teach at OU. Most of my students are from Oklahoma. We already had a problem before Ryan Walters took office. Now we have a really serious problem. I wonder what it's going to be like to teach at the flagship institution of higher learning in this state five years from now, or ten.


I’m glad my family lives in a very liberal, blue state. I cannot imagine how hard it would be to live with these crazy religious bigots.


amen. im just north of tulsa and these people are bananas. if i ever decide to have kids, im definitely not raising them in this state.


I was literally screaming that throughout this video!!
Your evangelical roots were on full display during this video, but instead of nonsense, you were preaching truth!!
As an evangelical, you would have converted some with that powerful tone. But as an atheist, you are changing thousands of minds, for the better! Keep on! Don't ever stop! We all have your back!!


These people scare the hell out of me 😮


That's an interesting shade of red on your face, Seth. I don't blame you. Hearing things like this gets my blood pressure up, too. I don't think any of these fanatics see the end game here. If the US government were to become a Christian theocracy, which denomination would win out? The Baptist Church, I suppose. And one by one other churches will all be deemed heretical until just a few people and their interpretation of the Bible get to make life in this country a living hell for everyone else, which would also include most Christians. This is exactly what was going on in Britain, for which people were fleeing persecution to settle in the colonies and practice their faith in relative peace- the same colonies from whence this country came.
