Understanding Taxes | Cash Course | PragerU Kids

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Teach middle and high school kids the basics about taxes—from sales tax and income tax to even soda and travel taxes. Nobody likes paying taxes, but they’re everywhere, so the better informed your kids are about the role of government in their money, the better prepared they’ll be in life.
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Let's not forget the corporate tax which does reduce the amount that a company can pay its employees and often results in higher prices for the consumer. Anyone who works for or buys from a corporation pays that tax indirectly!


Taking by force that which is not yours by right is called theft…


Taxes are quite simple: We give taxes to the government, whether we want to or not. Where do the taxes actually go, and what do they do? We are not allowed to know. We are just supposed to trust the people who force us to give them money without question, otherwise we become a "threat to Democracy".


I dare you guys at Prager to try and explain taxes on importing for sales in my country, Argentina.

We're still trying to understand how much the dollar even worth here 🤣


A gang of theives tell me i must pay their way or i won't be safe.


The best two-part reform idea I have ever heard is this:
1) Eliminate all payroll withholdings. Make everyone write a check to the government for a full year's worth of taxes on April 15th.
2) Make every election day April 16th.
The rest will sort itself out.


You should actually tell the kids what that "tax" money is really spent on and how tax payers have no standing to challenge that spending even though it's their money. #Uniparty


arkansas: tax on all food, extra soda tax....though its added into the price and not a separate line item on receipt so no one knows they are paying it. sales tax on lawn mowing if you are a business but not a home owner


Should clarify that most will take the standard deduction and not itemize. Helpful for people to understand how it's standard deduction or itemization, not both.


now do one on all the taxed businesses pay. so employees know why they slave for peanuts


If taxes were meant to help out the regular person, the IRS would make them easy.
They already have a record of the money you earned, and the money that was withheld.
But no, in our reality, if you get a calculation wrong, you risk imprisonment.
That in itself should tell you how (il)legitimate these taxes are.


I don't mind paying taxes but it makes my temper itch when my hard earned money goes to make politicians rich. I'll pay less taxes not more do I can take more home.


The concept of government has been present throughout much of human history, and its existence is often taken for granted as a necessary part of society. However, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that the existence of government is illegitimate, and even has many similarities to a religion.

One of the key issues with the concept of government is that it often involves the delegation of rights that individuals do not have. This is a logical fallacy, as individuals cannot delegate rights that they do not possess. For example, if individuals do not have the right to steal from others, they cannot delegate this right to the government through legislative rituals. Therefore, taxation is an illegitimate practice, as it involves the use of force to take what rightfully belongs to peaceful individuals. Taxation involves the confiscation of an individual's hard-earned money without their consent. This is fundamentally unjust, as it violates the basic principles of individual rights and freedoms.

Furthermore, history has shown that democide, or death by one's own government, has been a leading cause of death in the 20th century. This alone is a strong indication that the existence of government is not legitimate. Governments have monopolized many services, such as protection, parcel delivery, and arbitration, which has led to the quality of these services becoming worse. This is because competition among organizations is what leads to cheap and effective services, not a monopoly. When the government has a monopoly on these services, they become more expensive and less effective. Governments have the ability to assume power over individuals and use that power to commit atrocities and suppress dissent. The monopoly on power that government holds is dangerous and has led to countless instances of abuse throughout history.

Moreover, the very nature of government resembles that of a religion, with symbols and rituals used to manipulate and control the masses. Government propaganda and rhetoric is designed to create a sense of loyalty and obedience, much like religious dogma. This is a dangerous precedent, as it allows the government to exercise control over individuals through fear and manipulation. The existence of government is also similar to a religion, as it involves a belief in an entity that assumes the right to do things which no individual would admit to having the right to do. Government is not the people who work for it, nor is it the buildings or the police. It is an entity that assumes power over individuals and their lives, often without their consent.

In conclusion, the existence of government is illegitimate, similar to a religion, and taxation is an illegitimate practice. Individuals cannot delegate rights they do not possess, and the use of force to take what rightfully belongs to individuals is morally wrong. History has shown that the government's monopoly on services has led to the quality of those services becoming worse, and that democide is a leading cause of death. It is time for individuals to recognize the fallacy of government's legitimacy and work towards a society that is based on voluntary exchange and cooperation, rather than the use of force and coercion.


So why should your earnings be taxed more if they rise when you are not only the same burden on the system but spending more on goods and therefore paying more sales tax ?


I've been waiting 15 years of being taxed for the potholes in my local roads to be fixed. Only the main roads and the immediately connected road get fixed. 😡😡😡🤬👿


One of the best Prager videos i've seen.


I'm still confused about the "doing your taxes" thing.... Isn't Income tax deducted at the paycheck? If so, what's there to "do"? What's on April 15th? (I'm not from the US and we don't have a "tax day" so I'm confused on what actually happens there.... Here it's all just automatic and you don't need to think about it.)


The income tax in the US is a new one relative to the whole history of the US.


Since we pay alot of taxes, why in the hell are we 31 trillion dollars in debt. Our tax money is being wasted left and right and we are double screwed through the printing of money as well.


More insights on "Tax Return"-subject needed, please.
I don't think there's such thing in my nation, tho I could be wrong.
