MHS2 All Special Kinship Attacks (Monsters & Buddies) - Monster Hunter Stories 2

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Monster Hunter Stories 2 Wings of Ruin All Monsters Special Kinship Attacks in 4K 60fps
#MHS2 #MonsterHunterStories #MonsterHunter
Gameplay Raw footage edited in a synthetic manner for information purposes. All Gameplay played, recorded & edited by me.
Stygian Zinogre - 0:00
Brachydios - 0:20
Kirin - 0:45
Teostra - 1:00
Rajang - 1:25
Kushala Daora - 1:51
Velkhana - 2:15
Silverwind Nargacuga - 2:42
Thunderlord Zinogre - 3:03
Bloodbath Diablos - 3:30
Grimclaw Tigrex - 3:52
Dreadqueen Rathian - 4:15
Aptonoth - 4:32
Velocidrome - 4:45
Kulu-Ya-Ku - 4:56
Yian Kut-Ku - 5:15
Bulldrome - 5:30
Pukei-Pukei - 5:40
Apceros - 6:01
Great Jaggi - 6:17
Royal Ludroth - 6:30
Arzuros - 6:45
Qurupeco - 6:55
Blue Yian Kut-Ku - 7:10
Tigrex - 7:21
Monoblos - 7:47
Paolumu - 8:00
Basarios - 8:22
Yian Garuga - 8:37
Nargacuga - 8:51
Rathian - 9:22
Popo - 9:40
Congalala - 9:51
Great Baggi - 10:00
Kecha Wacha - 10:18
Gypceros - 10:30
Zamtrios - 10:47
Nerscylla - 11:02
Barroth - 11:14
Tobi-Kadachi - 11:27
Khezu - 11:43 !!!
Red Khezu - 12:00
Lagombi - 12:18
Jade Barroth - 12:36
Anjanath - 12:50
Gammoth - 13:11
Zinogre - 13:36
Barioth - 13:57
Legiana - 14:15
Iodrome - 14:40
Gendrome - 14:51
Cephadrome - 15:02
Ash Kecha Wacha - 15:15
Purple Gypceros - 15:30
Green Nargacuga - 15:47
Diablos - 16:08
Black Diablos - 16:27
White Monoblos - 16:50
Crimson Qurupeco - 17:05
Mizutsune - 17:19
Lagiacrus - 17:39
Uragaan - 18:10
Brute Tigrex - 18:23
Purple Ludroth - 18:45
Ruby Basarios - 18:55
Gravios - 19:10
Shrouded Nerscylla - 19:33
Emerald Congalala - 19:44
Black Gravios - 19:56
Ivory Lagiacrus - 20:17
Nergigante - 20:44
Astalos - 21:08
Glavenus - 21:30
Bazelgeuse - 21:50
Sand Barioth - 22:20
Deviljho - 22:35
Seregios - 23:01
Rathalos - 23:18
Azure Rathalos - 23:46
Pink Rathian - 24:05
Fulgur Anjanath - 24:23
Buddy 1 - 24:40
Buddy 2 - 24:54
Buddy 3 - 25:27
Buddy 4 - 25:50
Buddy 5 - 26:12
Buddy 6 - 26:35
Dual Kinships - 27:03
About Meloo:
Meloo is a channel that produces Guides, Creative Edits, High Quality Lore Videos, Comparisons & Mods for new video game releases. In my videos I draw parallels, use Juxtapositions and other editing techniques to deliver my Gameplay in a transformative manner from the original narrative rather than full let’s plays. I usually focus on games for a more mature audience. All Gameplay is my own and is recorded and edited by me.
#MHS2 #MonsterHunterStories #MonsterHunter
Gameplay Raw footage edited in a synthetic manner for information purposes. All Gameplay played, recorded & edited by me.
Stygian Zinogre - 0:00
Brachydios - 0:20
Kirin - 0:45
Teostra - 1:00
Rajang - 1:25
Kushala Daora - 1:51
Velkhana - 2:15
Silverwind Nargacuga - 2:42
Thunderlord Zinogre - 3:03
Bloodbath Diablos - 3:30
Grimclaw Tigrex - 3:52
Dreadqueen Rathian - 4:15
Aptonoth - 4:32
Velocidrome - 4:45
Kulu-Ya-Ku - 4:56
Yian Kut-Ku - 5:15
Bulldrome - 5:30
Pukei-Pukei - 5:40
Apceros - 6:01
Great Jaggi - 6:17
Royal Ludroth - 6:30
Arzuros - 6:45
Qurupeco - 6:55
Blue Yian Kut-Ku - 7:10
Tigrex - 7:21
Monoblos - 7:47
Paolumu - 8:00
Basarios - 8:22
Yian Garuga - 8:37
Nargacuga - 8:51
Rathian - 9:22
Popo - 9:40
Congalala - 9:51
Great Baggi - 10:00
Kecha Wacha - 10:18
Gypceros - 10:30
Zamtrios - 10:47
Nerscylla - 11:02
Barroth - 11:14
Tobi-Kadachi - 11:27
Khezu - 11:43 !!!
Red Khezu - 12:00
Lagombi - 12:18
Jade Barroth - 12:36
Anjanath - 12:50
Gammoth - 13:11
Zinogre - 13:36
Barioth - 13:57
Legiana - 14:15
Iodrome - 14:40
Gendrome - 14:51
Cephadrome - 15:02
Ash Kecha Wacha - 15:15
Purple Gypceros - 15:30
Green Nargacuga - 15:47
Diablos - 16:08
Black Diablos - 16:27
White Monoblos - 16:50
Crimson Qurupeco - 17:05
Mizutsune - 17:19
Lagiacrus - 17:39
Uragaan - 18:10
Brute Tigrex - 18:23
Purple Ludroth - 18:45
Ruby Basarios - 18:55
Gravios - 19:10
Shrouded Nerscylla - 19:33
Emerald Congalala - 19:44
Black Gravios - 19:56
Ivory Lagiacrus - 20:17
Nergigante - 20:44
Astalos - 21:08
Glavenus - 21:30
Bazelgeuse - 21:50
Sand Barioth - 22:20
Deviljho - 22:35
Seregios - 23:01
Rathalos - 23:18
Azure Rathalos - 23:46
Pink Rathian - 24:05
Fulgur Anjanath - 24:23
Buddy 1 - 24:40
Buddy 2 - 24:54
Buddy 3 - 25:27
Buddy 4 - 25:50
Buddy 5 - 26:12
Buddy 6 - 26:35
Dual Kinships - 27:03
About Meloo:
Meloo is a channel that produces Guides, Creative Edits, High Quality Lore Videos, Comparisons & Mods for new video game releases. In my videos I draw parallels, use Juxtapositions and other editing techniques to deliver my Gameplay in a transformative manner from the original narrative rather than full let’s plays. I usually focus on games for a more mature audience. All Gameplay is my own and is recorded and edited by me.