Copyrights for Gadgets and How They Differ From Patents
Men’s health is keeping Greg big as hell
Steps for a grear physique:
1: have good genetics
2: lots of gear
3: hard work.
In that order. To quote Ronnie Coleman, you need good genetics or you aint got no chance.
I have been lifting since age 14. I am now 35 and have never taken any PEDs and to be honest have never gone past being slightly shredded. I dont have the genetics, and taking PEDs might just lead to complications. I have always been flexible and athletic though, and I would not change that for anything. I have resigned myself to just going to the gym to have a decent form, build strength and ultimately stay healthy.
Bro is the size of a house. If he wants cheese dogs, he gets cheese dogs.
He’s admitted more than once he’s not natural.
Famous people always have the cleanest, most organized fridge. Yeah, right. The rest of us have a few drips, a lime past it's prime, and the asparagus is crammed in the drawer with some garlic and a bag of peas
I love the Coach Greg Vs Eddie Aboo war that has been commenced
Alan admitted on pretty much everything he done for his routine. Whats the hate about? He came clean on his roids, and somewhat okay diet. I met Alan twice and he is a very genuine and honest person. I dont see a controversy here.
Dude is fucking JACKED so he can eat whatever tf he wants... he could throw Greg like a lawn dart
14:39 featus greg scared tf outta me bruh
After seeing reacher, I ordered year's worth of Test, GH, Tren. Wish me luck boys 🤭
Coach Greg exposing harder than last time!
"Imaginary Lat syndrome" hands down the funniest diagnosis I've ever heard, thanks for that...
Did we just compare cheese dogs to cigarettes?
Bought your Anabolichist Cookbook! Making some bomb ass recipes 🙌
If anyone has ever seen blue mountain state that shows underrated where he came from hilarious
Informative, funny, honest ... subscribed ... .
Being a hunter in upper MI my deep freezers are loaded up on venison elk buffalo turkey squirrel and I do buy grass fed cow. I have wild greens turkey tail chaga winter green berries chicken of the woods and I smoke it as well with tons of smoked jerky I store in burlap bags. Getting ready to plant a few organic vegetables. I do make high protein gluten free pan cakes using real grass fed butter and real maple syrup. Of course I can add a bit more to the list, I make my own pre workout drink and once in a while a illegal made drink using the illegal ephdra for personal use when needed.
Pizza 100% can be healthy. Anyone who says pizza isn't healthy wouldn't be able to define healthy in order to label it unhealthy. What Greg should say is it is a high calorically dense food.
I'm a famous movie star. Of course I wake up at 3 AM