IXBLUE Inertial Navigation System

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IXSURVEY provides hydrographic surveys in accordance with stringent International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO) standards or equivalent.

Our teams of highly experienced and accredited hydrographers conduct surveys globally for Government agencies, the Oil & Gas, Energy, Telecommunications and Marine Renewables sectors.

Accurate surveying is crucial for the production of nautical charts that are relied upon by mariners around the world for safe navigation and protection of the marine environment.

Our team has extensive experience in the planning, collection, processing and reporting of data needed to meet the strict guidelines set by government hydrographic authorities.

Since 2008 we have provided nautical charting services to Land Information New Zealand. With the award of eight major projects, we’ve surveyed over 30,000 Nm with high resolution multi-beam echo sounder and delivered quality data for the production of official New Zealand nautical charts.
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