Arduino Weather Station dht11 | Display Sensors Data on Gauges using Blynk Nodemcu esp8266 wifi

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nodemcu board and library setup:

Nodemcu power supply making:

learn how to make a schematic and PCB:

Relay driver circuit design calculation:

Project Description:

1. Nodemcu ESP8266 wifi module.
2. 5x7 cm Vero board
3. 470uf capacitors, we will need two of these.
4. Female dc socket
5. 7805 voltage regulator, the first leg is the input, the middle one is the ground and the third one is the output.
6. Led, the longer leg is the anode, and the shorter one is the cathode.
7. 330-ohm resistor
8. Female headers
9. Dht11 temperature and humidity module and
10. Some jumper wires.
These components can be purchased from Amazon, the components purchase links are given below.


Purchase links for Components with the best prices.

Arduino Nano USB-C Type ( recommended):

ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth Module for iOT Projects (recommended), more IO pins, improved speed, and supports a Lipo Battery:

DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Module:

Nodemcu ESP8266 WiFi Module:

LM7805 Voltage Regulator:

470uf capacitor:

330-ohm resistor:

DC Female Power Jack:

Female Headers:

Male Headers:


Other Must-Have Tools and Components:

Top Arduino Sensors:

Super Starter kit for Beginners

Top Oscilloscopes

Variable Supply:

Digital Multimeter:

Top Soldering iron kits: "best"

Top Portable drill machines:

Jumper Wires:

3D printers:

CNC Machines:

Electronics Accessories:

Hardware Tools:

DISCLAIMER: This video and description contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I will receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows me to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for your support!

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Рекомендации по теме

after i connect with Nodemcu, the value from arduino i can check from serial monitor, but when i upload the code in Nodemcu its connected with my blynk app, but the temperature and humidity is not showing . even the virtual pin are correct.


Sir aap ka yeah video sabse acha hay...par aap ek aysa video banaiye jaha par weather station ka data ek aalag si lcd par display ho ga....


while uploading arduino code ..there is this error: In function
undefined reference to `String::String(char const*)'


I have been working on this project for a couple days but I’m having trouble with the node MCU code. Multiple problems compiling. Would you please send me an updated version of this code so I can check my work?
Thank you for this project.


i find some problem while compiling this program it shows me some error like
exit status 1

Error compiling for board NodeMCU 0.9 (ESP-12 Module)."
, can you please send me proper code for this.


Can you send the arduino program to my my mail id ?
