My question at the London 'Does Islam need a reformation' discussion

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Yo i can't believe they just dodged the question and the 'moderator' just neatly re-framed the question to talk about apostasy in britain when there is no such thing in a western country. This is completely ridiculous!


utterly pathetic. great to hear "neatly dodged" and "obscuring" from the audience members, though - that was brilliant. your analysis at the end was very poignant. i really feel like if we keep pushing back like you were with your assertive objections, and like the audience were with their allusions, that this shit would stop. really need to get harder with the open mocking and ridicule. contemptible behaviour should be treated with contempt.

dapper shirt.


That Abdullah guy annoys me so much with his constant lying. Never seen anything he's in without lying at some point.


Great work +Rationalizer. You and your efforts are much appreciated. Much love! - An ex-Muslim.


Big ups man. Good on you for taking a stand like that - I don't know of any other youtuber who's taken such actions.


if you cannot give a straight, honest answer to a straight question regarding your religion, you should not follow that religion cause at the back of your mind you know your religion is wrong. if islam is so great, why you hiding it? another amazing thing is, even if you're able to lie to other people, how can you lie to yourself?


Deliberate obfuscation is the name of the game. I think it must be impossible to "believe" in the basic tenets of any religion without having a mind expert in mental gymnastics.


O.K., even if apostasy was translated incorrectly and only 'treason' is punishable by death, what is treason as far as Islam goes? Professing atheism? Advocating a secular state? A great many Pakistanis and Indonesians seem to think so.

It seems to be a rather wide net for treason, to catch so many fish who were doing nothing more than swimming against the tide.


People act very differently when they are in the minority from when they are in the majority.


Well put, Islam does need reforms, apostasy is frankly an embarrassment for lot of Muslims living in the West.


Taqiyya, lies and deception, are very real.
Quran (9:3) "Allah and His Messenger are free from liability to the idolaters"
Bukhari (49:857) "He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a liar."
And in Islamic Law: Reliance of the Traveler (p. 746 - 8.2) - "Speaking is a means to achieve objectives. If a praiseworthy aim is attainable through both telling the truth and lying, it is unlawful to accomplish through lying because there is no need for it. When it is possible to achieve such an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible...One should compare the bad consequences entailed by lying to those entailed by telling the truth, and if the consequences of telling the truth are more damaging, one is entitled to lie."


You can ask that question in public in muslim majority countries and most will not need to evade answering your question. They will let you know like honest believers that an apostate is to be put to death.


That was a great point at the end, about how Taqqiya was originally about not admitting your religious sect if it would put you in danger, but it's becoming an identifiable thing now when people avoid straightforward answers about Islam


3:26 "We're talking about apostasy, is it relevant in the United Kingdom"
" we're not"


It is people like this woman (Lauren) that give Islam a bad rep.


I left this comment on the full debate video (unfortunately it has been withheld for approval so it isn't visible on that video).

Regarding the question on the punishment for leaving Islam:

Andalusi does avoid this question as he has done in the past.

In terms of the reformation of Islam, if Andalusi believes there is no grounds for punishment in Islamic doctrine or law to be applied for someone leaving the Islamic religion then he needs to acknowledge that the four Islamic schools of thought mentioned need reforming on that issue.

His use of language of "what's inside someone's head" is worrying - as if it's allowed as long as the person remains silent. We must define apostacy to include the right to both publically proclaim that one is no longer a member of the religion and the right to be publically and vocally critical of the religion one has left without any fear of punishment.

Any reformation must include this. If, as Andalusi claims, he wants a revival rather than a reformation and that revival allows the freedom to leave Islam in the way mentioned above then that's fine. It doesn't matter which. But revival or reformation it will be necessary for Muslims to ensure those four schools of Islamic thought change and propagate this reformed (or revived) teaching on apostacy.


I love your channel. You’re so intelligent


And Lauren is supposed to be the moderator. Clearly biased in this instance


would love to meet you one day i live near walsall


Muslim come here to dislike. What they didnot like? Rationalizer's question or the feeble understanding of curtain rolled women or the taqiya of the ayesha's husband?
