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O "Mεγεθυντήρας" είναι ένα αλλόκοτο ταξίδι στη χαμένη μνήμη της μητέρας μου που πάσχει από αλτσχάιμερ, μέσα από τo μη γραμμικό χτίσιμο της θραυσματικής της ταυτότητας. Η ταινία, ως πρακτική ανάκλησης της μνήμης, φτιάχνεται από την ανάγκη μου να "ξαναζωντανέψω" τη μητέρα μου στο τώρα, ανάγκη που γεννάται ως αντίσταση στη νομοτελειακή εντολή της λήθης. Είναι μια ιστορία αγάπης ενσώματης και ανάμεσα σε λέξεις, ώστε να μην "ξεχάσω" τη μητέρα μου όπως άθελά της με ξέχασε αυτή. Η Μαρία το καλοκαίρι κλείνει τα 82 χρόνια της ζωής της. Κάθεται στο τραπέζι πίσω από την τούρτα της, έχει μακριά μαύρα ίσια μαλλιά σαν ινδιάνα και ξεθωριασμένα απ'το χρόνο μπλε μάτια, εξοικειωμένη με την κάμερα φτιάχνει εμμονικά τα μανίκια από την μπλε μπλούζα της κι έπειτα τα μαύρα τσιμπιδάκια της. Aφοπλιστικά όμορφη γίνεται ακόμα πιο όμορφη στο φως των μικρών ζαχαροπλαστικών βεγγαλικών, με κοιτάζει για δευτερόλεπτα με ξεθολωμένα μάτια -αυτά που αμυδρά πλέον θυμάμαι κι εξουθενωτικά προσπαθώ να συγκρατήσω- και μετά βυθίζεται στο σκληρό και απλανές βλέμμα της άνοιας. Mε την παρότρυνση του άντρα της και των δύο γιων της μου χαμογελάει σαστισμένα, παίρνει βαθιά αναπνοή και σβήνει τα κεράκια της. Κι εκεί ξεκινάει το ταξίδι της μητέρας μου. Η τρίτη διεργασία στη διαδικασία της μνήμης είναι η ανάκτηση μιας αποθηκευμένης πληροφορίας, η επιστροφή δηλαδή στη συνείδησή μας. Σ' αυτή την προσπάθεια επιστροφής της Μαρίας, συνυφαίνεται η ιστορία της ταινίας. Σε ποιο σήμα-ερέθισμα αντιδρά και καταφεύγει στην αποθηκευμένη της πληροφορία? Κι όταν καταφεύγει, τί θυμάται και τί επινοεί? Στο Sans Soleil του Chris Marker ακούμε τη φράση "We don't remember, we rewrite memory much as history is rewritten". Οι εικόνες που βλέπει είναι πότε θολές, πότε εστιασμένες, όπως και οι τόποι του παρελθόντος, όπως οι αναμνήσεις.Η επιστροφή της μητέρας μου είναι άτακτη χρονικά, σαν το αγχωτικό διάνυσμα της εντροπίας. Η ταινία μιλάει για τη διαρκή προσπάθεια για άσβηστη μνήμη και την ολοφάνερη ανάγκη αυτής. Για τον φόβο του ανθρώπου που τον ωθεί να αναζητά τρόπους αποκατάστασης της χρονικής ενότητας του ως ον, μιας και η ζωή του είναι χωρισμένη σε παρελθόν, παρόν και μέλλον. Για το κενό -που ισοδυναμεί με θάνατο- στο μυαλό και στις αισθήσεις μας που συμπυκνώνεται στην παρακάτω φράση του Προυστ:" Έρχεται τόσο γρήγορα η στιγμή που δεν υπάρχει πια τίποτα για να περιμένουμε ".
Written and Directed by Thekla Malamou
Cinematography: Thekla Malamou
Editing: Ioanna Poyantzi & Αkis Christou & Thekla Malamou
Music: Thekla Malamou & Vasilis Dokakis
Sound Design: Vasilis Dokakis
Color Correction: Michalis Rizos
Research Associate: Arieta Chouchourelou
"Enlarger" (/Megethintiras) is a strange journey, into my mother's lost memory who suffers from Alzheimer's, through the non-linear construction of her fragmented identity. The film, as a practice of recalling memory, is created from my need to "revive" my mother in the present, a need that arises as a resistance to the deterministic command of oblivion. It's a story of embodied love and words, so that I won't forget my mother just as she unwittingly forgot me. Maria is turning 82 years old this summer. She sits at the table behind her birthday cake, with long -Indian like- straight black hair , and faded blue eyes - she is familiar with the camera and obsessively adjusts the sleeves of her blue shirt and then her black hair clips. She becomes disarmingly beautiful in the light of the small pastry sparklers, she looks at me for a few seconds with clear eyes - those that I vaguely remember and desperately try to remember - and then sinks into the hard and aimless gaze of dementia. With the encouragement of her husband and two sons, she smiles at me bewildered, takes a deep breath and blows out the candles. And that's where my mother's journey begins. The third process in the memory process is the retrieval of stored information, that is, the return to our consciousness. In Maria's attempt to return, the story of the film is intertwined. What stimulus does she react to and resort to her stored information? And when she resorts to it, what does she remember and what does she invent? In Chris Marker's Sans Soleil, we hear the phrase "We don't remember, we rewrite memory much as history is rewritten". The images she sees are sometimes blurry, sometimes focused, like the places of the past, like memories. The return of my mother is disorderly chronologically, like the anxious vector of entropy. The film explores the constant effort for an indelible memory and the clear need for it. It depicts the fear that drives people to seek ways to restore the chronological unity of their being, since their lives are divided into past, present, and future. It also delves into the emptiness- which is equivalent to death - in our minds and senses, as condensed in Proust's famous quote: "It comes so soon, the moment when there is nothing left to wait for."
Written and Directed by Thekla Malamou
Cinematography: Thekla Malamou
Editing: Ioanna Poyantzi & Αkis Christou & Thekla Malamou
Music: Thekla Malamou & Vasilis Dokakis
Sound Design: Vasilis Dokakis
Color Correction: Michalis Rizos
Research Associate: Arieta Chouchourelou
"Enlarger" (/Megethintiras) is a strange journey, into my mother's lost memory who suffers from Alzheimer's, through the non-linear construction of her fragmented identity. The film, as a practice of recalling memory, is created from my need to "revive" my mother in the present, a need that arises as a resistance to the deterministic command of oblivion. It's a story of embodied love and words, so that I won't forget my mother just as she unwittingly forgot me. Maria is turning 82 years old this summer. She sits at the table behind her birthday cake, with long -Indian like- straight black hair , and faded blue eyes - she is familiar with the camera and obsessively adjusts the sleeves of her blue shirt and then her black hair clips. She becomes disarmingly beautiful in the light of the small pastry sparklers, she looks at me for a few seconds with clear eyes - those that I vaguely remember and desperately try to remember - and then sinks into the hard and aimless gaze of dementia. With the encouragement of her husband and two sons, she smiles at me bewildered, takes a deep breath and blows out the candles. And that's where my mother's journey begins. The third process in the memory process is the retrieval of stored information, that is, the return to our consciousness. In Maria's attempt to return, the story of the film is intertwined. What stimulus does she react to and resort to her stored information? And when she resorts to it, what does she remember and what does she invent? In Chris Marker's Sans Soleil, we hear the phrase "We don't remember, we rewrite memory much as history is rewritten". The images she sees are sometimes blurry, sometimes focused, like the places of the past, like memories. The return of my mother is disorderly chronologically, like the anxious vector of entropy. The film explores the constant effort for an indelible memory and the clear need for it. It depicts the fear that drives people to seek ways to restore the chronological unity of their being, since their lives are divided into past, present, and future. It also delves into the emptiness- which is equivalent to death - in our minds and senses, as condensed in Proust's famous quote: "It comes so soon, the moment when there is nothing left to wait for."