Disneyland Review - Sentiment Analysis | Text Cleaning | Word Cloud | Stop words | NLP | Python |

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I am back with the project on Sentiment analysis of the Disneyland reviews, in this project we are going to learn a few things:
1) Understanding Disneyland business using queries.
2) Cleaning the data.
3) Cleaning the text data.
4) Word cloud
5) Sentiment Analysis

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1) Deep Learning with TensorFlow

2) Hands-On with OpenCV

3) Image classification with Keras

4) Fake News Detection

5) Data Science Project

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new_data["Review_Text"] = while executing this code I am getting an errorTypeError: lemmatize() missing 1 required positional argument: 'word'

Please help me in overcoming the same. I have defined new_data = df[["Review_Text", "Rating"]]


can we retrain vader by adding some more positive words to it?
