Food Storage Dehydrated Sweet Potatoes

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Preppers stock up now on your sweet potatoes to dehydrate while they are in season and cheap. Make sure you do enough to last 5 years so next year you can stock up on something else. Blessings!
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It’s faster and less messy to microwave the potatoes. I do two at a time, 7-8 minutes depending on size. No water, no pot to clean. Cool and peel, mash, and pile potatoes on mats. Lay a gallon size plastic bag (cut off the zipper part) over the potatoes and flatten the potatoes with a rolling pin. They will be evenly thick and spread consistently.


Just finished the 12 pounds I had done. Started them before your video, so I baked mine, sliced and used the "holey" sheets and sifted before storing, but mine came out the same. Couldn't have done it without watching your previous pumpkin video! TY Bexar!


@AuntDuddie I know it sucked but I can't stop laughing just imagining you over the tub with pumpkin in the drain. Almost as bad when my daughter when she was little decided she needed to make mud pies in the tub and I was just so happy it was quiet I didn't realize she was bringing in buckets of mud lol. Blessings!


When I used to make my own babyfood. I would puree the vegetables, then put it in ice cube trays. When frozen I would put them into ziploc freezer bags and label what was in the bag. Then when it was time to eat I'd take out 1 or 2 cubes, Heat it up in the microwave. and instant meal that was not full of sugars and salt.


@LAPrepper1 that's why I use the oranges. You can also dehydrate outside depending on the humidity level. Or just do the first 4-6 hours outside Will really help to reduce the smells. Blessings!


@NingasKugon09 It's really not to bad I purchased a refurbished from the manufacturer. The other kinds work just as good I just like the large flat surface without a hole in the center. Blessings!


I was just wondering . . . it seems the process of making sweet potato chips is different than dehydrating in that the chips are not blanched and the dehydrated version is. Do you know the reason for the difference and what is the difference in the end product?


I have 3 jars of dehydrated sweet potatoes. I grounded one coarsely and when I shake that jar, the contents move freely. The two jars that I grounded fine doesn't move freely. It is packed like brown sugar gets. Does that mean the potatoes need more dehydrating or is this normal?


don't throw away the skins, many dogs like dried sweet potato skins. my neighbors have a large german shepard, he sits and starts drolling when he sees me walking towards the fence with potato skins in my hands. also sweet potatos with white potatos and onions make wonderful soup


@AuntDuddie much with the excalibur the sheets can be rolled so it was just messy now a round hard tray what a nightmare. Surprised you were able to get it off at all. Blessings!


Good question homeshortly. I have Cats & Dogs and have wondered if you can vacuum seal in a jar the dried pet food? I use organic pet food which if it doesn't work could be terribly costly and even worse when my pets needed it most the food wouldn't be there!


I just got my first dehydrator, so I'm just learning. What kind of plastic did you use? is it something specific to each dehydrator? mine didn't come with any kind of covering for use with mashed up food like the sweet potatoes.


@shweetpotato yes you can do white potatoes the same way and the plus no additives. Check out the label on instant potatoes sometime.yeah Blessings!


I have heard that you can lose some of the nutritional value from boiling. If boiling with the skin on do you still lose some nutritional value?


Do you know anything about dehydrating stone-ground grits? I am looking for the instant grits convenience with the stone-ground texture and taste. I buy locally from a grismill.


you got me wondering if you could do the same thing with russet potatoes and then use them for instant mashed potatoes? hmm that would be great but I wonder about all the starch in them


Hi Bexar, I have some sweet potatoes that I dehydrated last year that are very dark around the edges. Are these safe to eat? Thanks for all the great videos.


Why not slice them instead of mashing or cubeing? Also can't you process them before you boil them then boil. or do you have to boil them with the skin on?


@ByNatureFarms unless you eat it raw you Will always loose nutrients. Dehydrate the skins and enjoy the chips. Blessings!


@ferebeescott211 they work even better you don't have to peel them after cooking just mash and dehydrate. Blessings!
