Grouping Data in R

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Grouping Data in R
You’ll learn the fundamentals of grouping and how to utilize it to transform and visualize a dataset in this tutorial.
Think about the flight delays in the airline dataset that we discussed in the previous post. We want to know the flight’s delay time varies depending on the day of the week?
As a general thought, people fly most frequently on Mondays and Fridays. Is it true?. For example. Is this going to affect the duration of the flight delay?.
You could find the answers to these questions by grouping the data by reporting airline. After then, compare the outcomes from each day of the week to one another.
For the complete tutorial and code visit
#rstats #DataScience #grouping #ggplot2 #heatmap #RStudio
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Grouping Data in R
You’ll learn the fundamentals of grouping and how to utilize it to transform and visualize a dataset in this tutorial.
Think about the flight delays in the airline dataset that we discussed in the previous post. We want to know the flight’s delay time varies depending on the day of the week?
As a general thought, people fly most frequently on Mondays and Fridays. Is it true?. For example. Is this going to affect the duration of the flight delay?.
You could find the answers to these questions by grouping the data by reporting airline. After then, compare the outcomes from each day of the week to one another.
For the complete tutorial and code visit
#rstats #DataScience #grouping #ggplot2 #heatmap #RStudio
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