Hindu Academy Video 1-The Six Schools Of Hindu Philosophy | Jay Lakhani | Hindu Academy

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You are correct that foreigners have had nothing to do with the disappearance of the Charvaka Philosophy. Your point regarding Charvaka Philosophy cannot be validated since no original writings of Charvaka exist today. All the remarks pertaining to the Charvaka school of thought only survives through the writings of the "opponents". These opponents have used sound-bite to construct a straw-man argument against Charvaka Philosophy parroting "eat drink and be merry" or "if you steal and get away with it, it is OK". According to your reasoning, Mr. Jay Lakhani's philosophy can only be determined by what the opponents of Mr. Jay proclaim about the philosophy of Mr. Jay!  Ajita Kesakambali was a materialist. He lived a pious life. He was not engaged in "eating drinking and being merry", he did not steal, and he did not do any of the things that the straw-man construct of the opponents of Charvaka claim about Charvaka Philosophy.


All well and good but the speaker is extremely biased towards dvaita or tatvavada school of it is a school of thought which tells us the easiest way of understanding reality and attaining moksha.... Tatvavada or dvaita which led to the bhakthi movement across the country and saved Hinduism from complete destruction.... starting from Haridasas in Karnataka to Chaitanya mahaprabhu, Kabir, Meera Bai all the great saints agreed to this school of thought
So please do some research and talk about this


Just cause the truth is bitter you can't say I can't accept it tatvavada or dvaita is the only thestic purely Vedic school of thought left in India
Advaita has a lot of influence of Buddhism on it
It doesn't propound the true meaning of the Vedas
Bhakthi has no meaning in advaita and if you say it does then you are hypocritical as bhakthi would mean self praise
