How To Make Him Feel Intense Love and Desire For You (By Texting)
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When you find yourself smitten, it can be hard to get the guy you’re into off your mind. From daydreaming about your future as one, to reminiscing about the last date you went on together, he may be monopolizing all of your thoughts. That said, how can you do the same to him? How can you get your man to think about you and only you? Would you believe me if I said that setting the right tone in your TEXT MESSAGES can do the trick, and make him feel intense love and desire for you? Stay tuned to find out!
Hey ladies, Amy North here, welcome to my YouTube channel! For those of you who don’t know me I’m a relationship coach from Vancouver BC, or you may even recognize me from my program, The Devotion System, which is a woman’s guide for finding and locking down the love you want and deserve. Anyways, whether this is your first time stopping by my channel or you’re a regular, thanks for checking this out!
Now, today I want to talk to you about something that so many of us women find ourselves faced with at some point or another, and that’s getting the guy you’re crazy about to share that same feeling. But before I jump into the top five things you CAN and SHOULD do in your texts to make those lovey dovey feelings mutual, I want to quickly talk about the biggest mistake women make when on this quest, and that’s seeming desperate.
See, there’s a fine line between showing interest in a man and coming across as clingy. Since your goal is to make him feel intense feelings of desire for you then it’s important that you send the right text messages, and more importantly, you’re going to want to avoid blowing up his phone. Sure, this may force yourself on his mind, but that’s not necessarily a good thing. In fact, you may even be better off with him not thinking about you at all than thinking of you because you are driving him nuts!
So again, even if you think he’s the best thing since sliced bread, he still needs to feel like he can’t just have you. Instead, you’re going to want to create a bit of a challenge for him by letting him know that you’re interested, but not too easy of a catch.
I could go on and on here, but rather than focusing too much on the chasing game, I want to talk about some other key pointers to keep in mind while texting him. That said, if you do want to learn some insanely powerful tips for making him pine after you, then check out some of my other dating advice videos on my channel. Speaking of which, if you enjoy this video or find what you learn here at all helpful then please take a quick moment to click the subscribe button below. I’ll appreciate the support, and it’s you ladies who allow me to keep coming out with new videos!
Now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk about the top ways to make a man feel intense love and desire for you! To make this as easy as pie, I’ve come up with five personal tips that you can use when texting to get the guy you’re into not only thinking about you, but head over heels with desire!
1. Be bold
You’ve probably heard this a million times, which is partly why it’s first on my list. But have you ever really thought about what “being bold” or “being confident” actually means? If you haven’t then listen up, because this goes far beyond looking good or speaking your mind.
Instead being bold is about genuinely loving and appreciating yourself for you who are and what you do. To make this happen you’re going to have to set aside some time and tune into your own head and heart. Maybe you take a solo stroll and do some thinking, or perhaps you write it out on a list, either way, recognizing your strengths and what makes you such a great catch is important if you’re looking to find love.
Doing this, you can expect to come across your flaws too, but guess what? That’s actually a good thing! When you can pinpoint your weaknesses and the areas of your life that need a little bit of extra focus and love then you’ll have much more luck improving them. So don’t freak out if you realize there are a dozen things that you don’t like about yourself, now is the time to change!
Once you have sorted through your thoughts and come to terms with where you’re at in life, now it’s time to boost your confidence. Of course there are countless ways to do so, but to get you started, make a point to focus on the good in your life. This kind of positivity will translate into confidence in your text messages and is a great first step.
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