Why Christians Should Avoid AA

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I don't go to AA anymore. God has promoted me to his book. 😊


When I was an alcoholic "Christian" I was unable to stop drinking or make a meaningful connection with God. When I came to AA, I was finally able to deal with my selfishness, anger, self pity and sin. After many months, I was able to accept God's love and free myself from the torment of alcoholic bondage. Today I am sober and have a meaningful relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
When my brother came to AA, he was an alcoholic intellectual atheist who couldn't stay sober to save his life. He chose the ocean as his higher power. As we lived close to the docks, we would take early morning walks near the water and discuss our recovery work. After many months of difficult work, he began to ask about Jesus and the Bible. I told him what I knew and how it related to my recovery. Today, we are able to go to church together an regularly get together to read scripture and the big book of AA, and continue to grow in our relationship with our Lord and Savior, with each other, and with out fellow man. Praise God!


I agree, I was in NA for a long time and it’s the same as AA. I’m a Christian. What I realized was it was a perverted form of Christianity and I couldn’t take part in it anymore.


God bought me to AA and AA bought me back to God. Jesus is my SAVIOR and I go to meetings and 17 yrs later I'm STILL SOBER and SAVED!!! To each his reach and God for us all.


Go to the highest power, The thing about 12 step programs is that when people confess in 12 step meetings they are not shamed and judged like they are in a lot of Christian circles. If the real church would stop judging so much then maybe people would go to churches or church leadership to confess and get some help! Think about it!


This is the exact place a Christian can be placed in the position to be able to deliver a person from alcohol.


YAHWEH Deliver me 5+years ago. I went to AA as it was in a program I was in. Eventually and early on the LORD revealed that it was a lie and rebuke to JESUS CHRIST as I would sit in a house of GOD yet in a meeting that denied JESUS CHRIST YESHUA was the way. The truth and the life, and no one comes to the FATHER but by him.
Had to rebuke my daughter at first when she out of desperation did not want her mother to return to opiods. GOD told made clear HE delivered me out of it all, and I simply had to tell her we either believe in GOD or we don't. She has bear witness to my life being transformed right before her eyes as I am now reborn. I am a living testimony as in Revelation 12:11 and through the prayers of the righteous as my daughter and many prayed with her and others for my life and soul to come out of bondage and into CHRIST.


The purpose of AA is not to lead people to salvation. Although I believe some do come to salvation indirectly through the program. Sobriety should be available to all Faith's. It is, as always, up to the individual to find and accept the gift of God through Jesus Christ.


Another comment because of AA...I started Christ centered recovery. Wow what a horrible place AA. Is. God forgive your ignorance. Jesus Christ saves so many in AA... then they return to the church...


Weakening Christianity? LOL, give me a Break. I no longer do AA for my own reasons, but it's Absurd for Anyone to believe that 12 step members carry that much weight when it comes to influencing the public at large in terms of True Faith. What a Joke, but God bless you anyway.


Bill Wilson's main end, in all this, was simply to make money off of this AA/Big Book gimmick. He originally just made it into an 'Oxford Group for Alcoholics, ' but the OG kicked them out. Then, some of the original members (the ones with money), got turned off by its overt Christian stance, so to avoid losing their money, Wilson subverted it into a more acceptable form, for the more agnostic, monied members. But AA tries to keep all this (and other sordid truths) concealed. This organization has a notoriously corrupt history (as does Bill Wilson, whom AA came to have more than one falling out with), which has only recently been getting uncovered. I've heard the religion of AA to have been most likened to an extreme form of Calvinism.


If you want to stop drinking, maybe AA can help you! If you want salvation, humble yourself to Jesus, and ask him to open your eyes to the truth!


AA was originally Christian. It’s since been white washed to exclude naming any deity in particular, but if you are a Christian having read the Bible with a decent understanding, you can clearly identify its biblical concepts.


AA saved many Christians. That is Jesus Christ uses to this day ...AA. Weak Christians wont last in AA. I confess Jesus Christ in AA as mu God. By doing so. I have seen many come to Christ.


Why not go for the intent to bring others to Christ though?


Jesus couldn't help my alcoholism but AA did people helping people that's the spirituality and the way Jesus would want it


Blessings to John and Jan.  We've received interest in The Most Excellent Way (http//:www.tmewcf.org) Bible studies as a result of your conversation.  We know Jesus is the solution for addictions and He deserves the honor and glory!  


The A.A. program of recovery includes a willingness to believe in a power greater than oneself. It is the willingness that is important, not what name you give to that power.
Why is it objectionable for an A.A. member to make up their own higher power, while every Christian makes up their own version of Jesus Christ?


then why dont the church start support groups to help these people. you dont know what your talking about. these people have to take the help they can. people like uou have weekend christianity


To be fair, I discovered I don't need Church or a Christian belief in Jesus. When I dropped the belief that I needed church and Jesus new doors opened and I have lived a happy useful life feeling at one with the world ever since. Personally, I think there was a Jesus and that he was misquoted and used for political means in history /Bible. I now feel at one with the Jesus I believe existed.
