Chemical Farming & The Loss of Human Health - Dr. Zach Bush

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I'm a new farmer, I studied Korean natural farming methods which use microbes bacteria and fungi to heal soil and grow incredible nutrient rich food, this topic in this video is spot on imo.


My mom always staunchly refused to take us to the hospital for mild colds/flus/etc. because she said they'd just put us on endless antbiotics. She also refused to give us sweet cereals/poptarts for breakfast like all the other kids did. We only got one soda per week. It seemed unfair/silly at the time to me but in retrospect it was brilliant


As a (mostly) organic gardener that bought a house with land that the previous owner heavily fertilized and used pesticides, it takes about 3 years of heavy soil mending to return the soil back to a decent health. This is one of the reasons farmers have a hard time moving back because they cannot afford to have the reduced crops for that time. It is a terrible cycle.


I figured out food was killing me when I started eating only the beef raised by me and the eggs raised by me. You would conventionally think id be worse by eating only beef and eggs but something happened. I feel at peace. I feel relaxed. I dont need weed or alcohol anymore. Sad that my family will not join me so i see them subtly suffering and i cant get through to them. I can only take care of me and hope they see the change and want it for themselves.


One thing I see is this. I saw pictures of the homes my grandparents grew up in in the 1930's. Their whole back yards were garden, gardens in their side yards! Gardens in their front yards. Trellises for grape vines. Apple trees, pear trees, strawberry patch. All manner of green beans. Potatoes growing in old barrels. Veggies of all kinds, flowers that keep bugs off like marigolds planted between stuff. Raising chickens and rabbits, geese, right in the city. Some folks even had cows or goats. Now we have lawns because we are dumb. Dumb lawns that we spray to kill the dandelions which are good food and medicine. Maybe we need to go back to the old way. As a matter of fact we will have to. This shit system is collapsing. All the way around it is at it's end.


My husband is a Midwest farmer. He won’t grow organic crops as he will lose his farm subsidies. He gets 60 percent of his income from growing crops that are sprayed with chemicals. If he grows organic he gets nothing. 85 percent of crops grown in the Midwest are for animal feed. Big corporations run our country including Mayo Clinic and large hospitals.


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
-Nelson Mandela


Dr. Zach Bush is able to distill a large amount of information in a way we can all easily understand it. He is a blessing to the world.


A cured patient is a lost customer. The world is waking up to this.


You pay three times for bad foods: once at the register, once in the environment, and again at the doctor. Healthy wishes to everyone!


Everybody in the US (and many other countries) needs to see this. This information needs to be taught in schools and run in commercials on tv.
The most difficult lifestyle change for most people to make is usually concerning diet.
Love, comfort, and happiness to all on their own journey.


I was able to heal from fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, triglycerides, GERD, diverticulitis and pre diabetes when I switched to a whole food plant based diet and new lifestyle. Food is medicine, look for organic Non GMO foods, educate yourself and pray for self control to break the food addictions ! Yes is possible God will help us .


I have been drinking red bull every single day for years. A minimum of 4 every single day. I quit cold turkey last week. I feel light years better. I’m a tattooer, and the mental and physical stress from constantly drawing, staying up until 4 and 5 in the morning to get drawings done, waking up at 7 because I have 2 kids, i was living a heinously toxic lifestyle. I have ADHD and take 60 mg of Adderall XR a day. Between the red bull, the adderall, and the fast food, I truly felt I was digging my grave and was too afraid to quit drinking red bull because i was convinced it was helping me function as a human. I feel great today. I go to bed early. Baby steps. I have great hope for my health.


It's ridiculous and sad that so many people view our species as "separate from nature."


Mind blowing! For those of you who struggle with the science-like me-pay attention to Dr. Z’s message at the end: we are not here to be self-serving consumers, we are part of a larger, glorious whole and living in harmony with Nature will turn DE-struction into CON-struction.


My family had autistic people 3 generations back from now and they were living off perfectly clean lands. Their life just have been much easier to adapt, environment was much stable. Still some of them died young or had OCD and other prioblems. If there is a connection between chemicals in the food and autism in people today it is not the only factor for sure.


I'm an oncology nurse and this video goes way way beyond the title. The ending is a "wait for it" moment once I got there. Life changing/assuring video. After Skool, mind blown as ever, doing God's work.


I recently moved from a .1 acre house to 12.5 acres. We have planted so much and have chickens and turkeys. I am more motivated than ever to go 100% organic and chemical free and grow as much of my own food as possible


Amazingly clear video, putting in simple terms the dire crisis of poisoning our soil and the way out. Thank you, Dr. Bush. I urge all human beings to watch this.


Okay the autism point is EXTREMELY reductive, you can’t say “we can recognize when a child is classically autistic, so everything on the spectrum that is more subtle doesn’t exist and we have just seen more autism cases”, we have more cases because now we understand that a kid banging their head on a wall and not speaking is not the only presentation of autism.
