DrupalCon Amsterdam 2019: Keynote - Driesnote

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Room: Auditorium
Presenter: Dries Buytaert, Heather Rocker
Description: During his keynote - a.k.a. Driesnote - at DrupalCon Amsterdam, Dries will give one of his engaging keynotes about the state of the Drupal project as well as updates on Drupal 8.8 and next year’s Drupal 9 release.
Belgium-born Drupal founder Dries Buytaert is a pioneer in the open source web publishing and digital experience platform space.
Рекомендации по теме

20:48 Begin Dries Keynote

22:23 Four strategic tracks

24:03 Media

25:37 Administration UI

29:50 Composer

33:29 Automatic update

37:52 Jason: API explorer.

40:00 Perfomance improvements (API)

42:26 Drupal 9 branch

43:34 Update from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9

53:08 Help upgrade modules to Drupal 9

53:32 Whats comer after Drupal 9.0.0

56:54 Track1 - Do more, with less

58:54 Track 2 - Easy of use

1:08 Olivero theme

1:11:26 Track2 - Open web

1:14:42 Track 4 - Content + Data

1:19:04 What Drupal 9 need to do to win

1:20:31 How do we climb master?

1:34:05 Wrap up


Why don't you allow to contribute to subtitles for this video on other languages?
Subtitles allow to involve more people who don't know English well.
I mean 'Add translations' feature in YouTube.
