7 Keys to a Great Keyforge Deck

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Today I bring you 7, well actually 8 keys to having a great Keyforge deck.
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1. Be able to make amber from hand
2. Cards that allow playing cards out of house
3. Control opponent amber
4. Cards that allow forging key out of forge phase
5. Cards that disrupt opponent plan
6. Cards that help sculpting future turns
7. Creature that have (good) static effects


You certainly don’t need a well rounded deck to win. It’s a race, so if your deck does just a few things that will generate aember very well, you could just outpace your opponent.


Good content. I like the analytical side of the game.


Murmook and Lash are both extremely good with Bait and Switch too. Stall their forge and then they build up to 7-9 amber or more then you declare shadows and steal the bulk of it. I'd offer to buy the deck if I didn't think you'd want more than I can afford lol


I have a deck with Hunting witch and FOUR Dust Pixies, a few times I had a turn 2 Key


Oi... I admit I haven’t watched/listened to all your content on the game, but I hope it’s understandable the concern I have with this type of content already making its way through. I really wish this game could just be a “play with the hand (deck) you’re dealt” game, period.

But it was inevitable we would get to this point where the “what makes a deck better than others” discussion. Now you know those addictive, competitive personalities are about to buy 50 decks more than is healthy just so they can say they have a deck that “checks the boxes”. And then, after awhile, they will get to the point you got to at the end of the video- “this deck isn’t perfect...” and then 100 more decks later...

:( I really hope this isn’t the case, but I hope you understand my concern with an otherwise very intriguing concept.


Thing is, ideas like this are always just general ideas and never specific enough to say how good a deck really is. You can have a deck with lots of taunt creatures, 2 Shadow Selfs, Evasion Sigil, etc., and then lots of creatures with really good reap abilities and have it be a really strong deck. This is just going by the general case that most decks don't use those little reap creatures very well. Which leads us to the main point that this video didn't cover: synergy. Synergy is a huge factor in what makes a deck good.


I worry that metagaming will ruin this game for casual play. We are all going to sit down with these analysis and determine which decks to play and not play the others. I thought part of the fun of this game was playing all these different decks. Oh, well.


Your deck was only an example, right? It looked like those cards were from numerous different decks, based on the different deck names on the bottom right.


Duplicates are also good. I have 9 pairs of duplicates, and it's a really powerful deck.


Keyforge is the death of meta, period, but then again u could create an idea of a general theme and call it a meta


I’ve noticed cards that give u a lot of Amber are generally not good cards stat and text wise


So what you're saying is I need dis untamed and shadows


This video is pointless.... 3 months before release even more pointless. Thumbs down
