The Hidden Secrets of Subconscious Mind You Must Know to Control your Mind | Swami Mukundananda

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📱 In this video, Swami Mukundananda explains the nature of our subconscious mind and how our thoughts control it without us being aware of it.

A subconscious mind is a subtle machine that works at a level above our conscious mind. For example, if you faced a very challenging situation in life and recovered from it, you consciously move on. Still, the impressions of the experience get recorded in the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is of multiple lifetimes times, so whatever negative or positive experiences you had in past lives impact how you perceive a few things in your life.

The good news is that the conscious mind can reprogram the subconscious mind by generating positive thoughts. Watch more to learn the secrets of the subconscious mind and how we can use it to our advantage.

Action item: Right from today, have it a practice before you go to rest to say this phrase to yourself. "I am Confident, Enthusiastic, and Inspired. No matter what the circumstances are, I will continue to remain happy and optimistic. My thoughts are under my control." When you do it consistently, you will find yourself happy no matter what the situation is because that thought would get registered in your subconscious mind.

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About Swami Mukundananda:
Swami Mukundananda is a renowned spiritual leader, philosopher, visionary, author, and humanitarian. He is the founder of the yogic system called “JKYog.” Swamiji is a unique sanyasi (in the renounced order of life), with distinguished degrees in Engineering and Management from two world-famous Institutes in India, IIT and IIM. He is a senior disciple of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj.

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I am filling my subconscious mind with full of strong desires to achieve my life goal


I want to program my subconscious with the below thoughts .
1. Never judge anyone, Never talk behind anyone
2. Treat everyone as a part of God .
3. Take control over the 5 senses .


One day every thing will be okay!
This too shall pass away!
There's always a way!
Every problem has a solution!


In sacred scriptures such as the Ramayana and Mahabharata, over and over again God talks to people through their dreams, in symbols and images. We dismiss them at our peril. “Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious.” ~Sigmund Freud


I purchased this book in advance booking and I waited eagerly for releasing date one fine day I received. It is like for me having discussion with swamijii everyday through reading books. I too explain the content with my little children after my office hour like after 7 pm, now the confidence is growing in them that is what expected as a parent. Swamijii thank you so much for making us a true parents.


I want to fill my subconscious mind with a sense of responsibility towards This universe. I am responsible!


I want to fill my subconscious that the goal in life is to reach God


I want to fill my subconscious mind this that I am not the body, mind and intellect.... I am soul... Pure consciousness


I am filling my subconscious mind with the thought that I am achieving all that I want 🙂


My Subconscious Mind, with it's infinite Wisdom, is helping me achieve success in Trading. My Subconscious Mind, with its vast immense knowledge, is my real guru


This is so related to me. I used to program my subconscious mind that noodles and junk food were bad for me. I kept on eating noodles, every time I ate noodles I had mental fatigue. I was so tired and fell asleep, my energy even went down. Those foods damaged my both physical and mental health.
Now I no longer eat noodles and garbage food!

Now I'm starting to be aware of my thoughts and trying to sow thoughts of peace, happiness, abundance, my life. I also do this exercise that I constantly observe my thought by asking this question "What I am thinking?" If I am thinking negatively, then I reverse it.

Thank you very much for this amazing knowledge!

Date: 13/05/2021


I have no words to explain how deep how intense how serious how knowledgeable how serious is this swamiji. I have no words to express other than excellent, outstanding, effulgence


i would like my subconsious mind to fill up with positive thoughts, letting off the poisonous thoughts like ego, comparission, greed and fill up with thought of being living in the moment and being happy with positive mindset


I cultivate my subconscious mind to be happy, calm and stable in every situation of life.


I want to subconsciously fill my mind that everything is always working out for me, for my family and for everyone on his planet earth. God is my protector and my provider. I am one with God. 🙏🏻☺️💕


In this mind-blowing narrative, Swamiji says that upon death, the soul discards the gross body but takes the subtle and causal bodies with it. The subtle body retains past experiences from infinite lives in the subconscious which accounts for inexplicable preferences and feelings of familiarity with places and people. Swamiji emphasizes the importance of spiritual earnings because those are the only things we take with us. Wow! Thank you, Swamiji.


I want to fill my subconscious mind with thoughts of well-being and world peace 🙏I request all to read the book :The power of Subconscious mind by Dr Joseph Murphy.


Great message thanks swamiji radhe radhe


I wanna fill my subconscious mind that I'm like a candle which spreads kindness in universe through becoming neurologist.


I want to fill it with - hare Krishna🙏
