Line × tester analysis across environments for stalk sugar yield traits in sweet sorghum

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Line × tester analysis across environments for stalk sugar yield traits in sweet sorghum.
Mr Deepak G.C.
MSc Research Scholar
Dryland Cereals
Date: 21 August 2014
Time: 1400 – 1500 h
Venue: 212 CF Bentley Conference Center
Sweet sorghum which is similar to grain sorghum but with sugar rich stalks, is a new generation bioenergy crop, gaining importance as a raw material for ethanol production, and having multiple uses. The present investigation was carried out to study heterosis and combining ability for stalk sugar yield traits in the B and R lines. A total of 49 crosses derived by using 14 parental lines in a Line x Tester (7 x 7) mating design were evaluated at two locations viz., RARS, Bijapur and ICRISAT, Patancheru during kharif (rainy season) 2013 for stalk sugar yield traits, grain yield and yield components. The female parents (lines) used were IS 13871, IS 22670, ICSV 25333, ICSV 93046, NTJ 2, Wray and SPSSV 30, and the male parents (testers) used were PMS 90B, ICSB 323, ICSB 351, ICSB 374, ICSB 480, Parbhani Moti and NSSV 13.
The parental lines, ICSV 25333, ICSV 93046 and NTJ 2 (among lines), and Parbhani Moti, PMS 90B and NSSV 13 (among testers) were found to be good combiners for stalk sugar yield and its related traits, in terms of brix (%), total soluble solids, total sugar index etc. Among the crosses evaluated, eleven promising cross combinations viz., IS 13871×NSSV 13, IS 22670×ICSB 351, IS 22670×ICSB 374, ICSV 25333×PMS 90B, ICSV 25333×ICSB 351, ICSV 25333×ICSB 480, ICSV 93046×PMS 90B, ICSV 93046×ICSB 323, NTJ 2×Parbhani Moti, Wray×NSSV13 and SPSSV 30×ICSB 480 were identified based on significant sca effects and significant estimates of heterosis over mid parent, better parent and standard heterosis in desired direction for various stalk sugar yield related traits, and grain yield and yield components. The good combining parents and crosses identified in the present study can be exploited in breeding for high sugar yielding hybrids in sweet sorghum.
Line × tester analysis across environments for stalk sugar yield traits in sweet sorghum.
Mr Deepak G.C.
MSc Research Scholar
Dryland Cereals
Date: 21 August 2014
Time: 1400 – 1500 h
Venue: 212 CF Bentley Conference Center
Sweet sorghum which is similar to grain sorghum but with sugar rich stalks, is a new generation bioenergy crop, gaining importance as a raw material for ethanol production, and having multiple uses. The present investigation was carried out to study heterosis and combining ability for stalk sugar yield traits in the B and R lines. A total of 49 crosses derived by using 14 parental lines in a Line x Tester (7 x 7) mating design were evaluated at two locations viz., RARS, Bijapur and ICRISAT, Patancheru during kharif (rainy season) 2013 for stalk sugar yield traits, grain yield and yield components. The female parents (lines) used were IS 13871, IS 22670, ICSV 25333, ICSV 93046, NTJ 2, Wray and SPSSV 30, and the male parents (testers) used were PMS 90B, ICSB 323, ICSB 351, ICSB 374, ICSB 480, Parbhani Moti and NSSV 13.
The parental lines, ICSV 25333, ICSV 93046 and NTJ 2 (among lines), and Parbhani Moti, PMS 90B and NSSV 13 (among testers) were found to be good combiners for stalk sugar yield and its related traits, in terms of brix (%), total soluble solids, total sugar index etc. Among the crosses evaluated, eleven promising cross combinations viz., IS 13871×NSSV 13, IS 22670×ICSB 351, IS 22670×ICSB 374, ICSV 25333×PMS 90B, ICSV 25333×ICSB 351, ICSV 25333×ICSB 480, ICSV 93046×PMS 90B, ICSV 93046×ICSB 323, NTJ 2×Parbhani Moti, Wray×NSSV13 and SPSSV 30×ICSB 480 were identified based on significant sca effects and significant estimates of heterosis over mid parent, better parent and standard heterosis in desired direction for various stalk sugar yield related traits, and grain yield and yield components. The good combining parents and crosses identified in the present study can be exploited in breeding for high sugar yielding hybrids in sweet sorghum.