Helidon Níma and Virtual Threads - Inside Java Podcast 29

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@Helidon_Project Níma is the first Java microservices framework built from the ground up on virtual threads.

David recorded this episode with Tomas Langer, the Helidon architect. Tomas discusses virtual threads from a framework developer point of view. He explains Níma, its architecture and how virtual threads fit in. He also shares his views on virtual threads and some behind the scenes details and how it all started.

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◦ Níma — Helidon on Virtual Threads (Tomas Langer) ➱

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Tags: #Java #OpenJDK #ProjectLoom #InsideJava #Microservices #Helidon
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Thanks to both of you!
Merci beaucoup!


Hey thanks a lot for this lovely podcast, I've been using reactive streams (e.g project Reactor) for sometime now because I never liked platform threads and threadpools etc, but with reactive streams the debugging was horrible plus exactly what Tomas mentioned you need to really really understand what's going on inside, it wouldn't scale in a team/enterprise environment because of such learning curve, any small mistake would cost a lot and would be hard to find.
Helidon Nima seems to have great potential !


I've tried Reactor in a project. Never willing to try it again!
Writing async code with Reactor (Rx-*) is hard and very error-prone!

Maybe, it's a good fit for UI and observer style programming.
