Bro is really flexing with his play button 🗿 JKK-Edits
Bro is really flexing with his play button 🗿
Ratatouille: Anybody can cook Bayashi : Anything can cook agamr
Ratatouille: Anybody can cook Bayashi : Anything can cook
My eyes: impressed My stomach: depressed😔 alegnacortes
My eyes: impressed My stomach: depressed😔
I swear this guy finds ways to make my mouth water and hungry Stars_TROOPER
I swear this guy finds ways to make my mouth water and hungry
An average human body: 70% water 🫗 Bayashi’s body: 70% cheese🧀🧀 markphilipp
An average human body: 70% water 🫗 Bayashi’s body: 70% cheese🧀🧀
Everyone else:we use diamond play button as a trophy Bayashi:Nuh uh Maphilindo_union
Everyone else:we use diamond play button as a trophy Bayashi:Nuh uh
That was either a rlly effective play button or a really smooth transition and either way that's amazinnggg Symhvileon
That was either a rlly effective play button or a really smooth transition and either way that's amazinnggg
Other people: I use my YouTube play button for display Bayashi: Nuh uh SaIadBoii
Other people: I use my YouTube play button for display Bayashi: Nuh uh
My eyes: tired and wants to sleep My ears : feeling crunchy My stomach : growling My mouth : spilling water iloveyousomuch_mwah
My eyes: tired and wants to sleep My ears : feeling crunchy My stomach : growling My mouth : spilling water
Bayashi: expected🗿 egg yolk: expected🗿 cheese: expected🗿 cheetos: expected🗿 10M play button: expected🗿 oil: expected🗿 no waste: expected🗿 good 😊👍🏻👍🏻 Easy_practice
Bayashi: expected🗿 egg yolk: expected🗿 cheese: expected🗿 cheetos: expected🗿 10M play button: expected🗿 oil: expected🗿 no waste: expected🗿 good 😊👍🏻👍🏻
I am now hungry…… I want ramen…… pls 🥺 ETernelNuggets
I am now hungry…… I want ramen…… pls 🥺
Bro took frying to another lvl😅 Bet he fries breakfast aswell Chapatigang
Bro took frying to another lvl😅 Bet he fries breakfast aswell
I wish Bayashi opens his own restaurant someday just_a_normal_person_
I wish Bayashi opens his own restaurant someday
Bayashi casually flexing his diamond play button : Edit : bro whattt thank you so much bro this is most likes I ever gotten next goal 1k DEATHFIREEXTRAS
Bayashi casually flexing his diamond play button : Edit : bro whattt thank you so much bro this is most likes I ever gotten next goal 1k
Everyone: never eat plastic Bayashi: don't care chandapallavi
Everyone: never eat plastic Bayashi: don't care
The 1st step: you need a play button 💀 kitkat
The 1st step: you need a play button 💀
This looks insane l might try to make it Editorxqueenie
This looks insane l might try to make it
Bayashi always makes my mouth water😋😋😋😋 Chambeadordigital
Bayashi always makes my mouth water😋😋😋😋
Me : You what's your favourite kitchen tool Bayashi :dimond play button MIRJalal-rk
Me : You what's your favourite kitchen tool Bayashi :dimond play button
Not him crushing Cheetos with yt play button 😭😭🙌 KHEMRAJPARAJULI
Not him crushing Cheetos with yt play button 😭😭🙌