President Biden visits Buffalo in wake of supermarket shooting

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President Joe Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden were in Buffalo on Tuesday to show their support for the still-grieving community. CBS2's Elijah Westbrook has more on the president's call to action.
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But he won't visit Wisconsin family members who lost loved ones at the Christmas parade or family members from the New York subway killings


Ol’ Biden couldn’t be bothered visiting Waukesha.


Payback against black supremacist for the Waukesha Christmas parade attack? 🤔


Obama's words just don't sound the same out of Joe Biden.


Pass them protection into law ..thanks


This been going but he's not gonna make an anti Black hate bill or reparations


Biden can easily end all of this with just one paper.


Did joe visit a "Dark Jungle"
to see the "Super Predators "
or to "Put them all back in chains"
and question if they were
"Really Black"?

His words, Not Mine.


Why didn't this clown say that he would see if he would do something about compensating the families of the deceased in some way financially. I hope that the surviving families can get something from the state under the unlawful death fund. Buying hasn't done a thing about the shortage of four lift for babies he's known about this since February oh I'm sure he gets this formula. 🤯🤯🤯🤯


Top 10 Techniques used to CONCEAL the system of white supremacy racism:

1. Denying: totally ignoring racism or simply asserting that racism does not exist.

2. Deflecting: insisting that any inequality is based on class, culture, ethnicity, family values… anything, but race. Or using words like “diversity” or “ethnicity” when you’re really talking about race –– because any acknowledgement of race may be an admission that there’s racism.

3. Coding: using certain words, symbols and images to evoke racial fears––but not explicitly mentioning race––so as not to appear racist. (Words such as “gang member, ” “illegal alien, ” and “welfare queen”––all frequently associated with images of people of color––are routinely and strategically inserted into policy debates. Political ads––such as President Bush Sr.’s use of the Willie Horton ad to conjure up white fears of black men, or former California Governor Pete Wilson’s ads of undocumented immigrants––were racist tools used to win elections.)

4. Confusing: cleverly appointing token Black people to positions to act as spokespersons or leaders to promote and justify racist measures or deny that something is racist.

5. Personalizing: blaming individuals, instead of institutions, for anything that may seem unequal or racist.

6. Exceptionalizing: acknowledging that there may be an extremist or “bad apple” responsible for a racist act, but never conceding that there is any institutional accountability or systemic inequality.

7. Scapegoating: holding people who are adversely affected by racism responsible for their own plight, blaming things on their “pathological” value and lifestyles, such as laziness, promiscuity or lack of “personal responsibility.”

8. Mythologizing: appealing to the great American myths: anyone who tries can succeed (myth of meritocracy); everyone/everything is equal (myth of the level playing field), or race is irrelevant (colorblind myth), etc.

9. Decontextualizing: ignoring the context of racism so that things appear to be isolated incidents, rather than part of a pattern or bigger picture. The evening television news is notorious for this, portraying, for example, a violent crime in a black neighborhood without any examination of the causes or.context. Similarly, when white people raise charges of so-called “reverse racism, ” it ignores history, white privilege and the ongoing existence of a very uneven playing field.

10. Lying: simply asserting that racism doesn’t exist even when you know it does. It’s easier to lie since telling the truth might mean having to admit responsibility. In fact, sometimes the bigger the lie, the more people believe it.

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Prelude to Serenity playlist


Techniques for Revealing Racism: 

1. Naming: explicitly mentioning race by name––using words such as “racism, ” “racial inequality, ” “racial discrimination, ” “racial bias, ” etc. ––so that racism gets acknowledged and addressed.

2. Framing: using a racial frame to describe an issue––e.g. “racial profiling, ” “environmental racism, ” “transit racism, ” “racial redlining, ” etc.––so that institutional accountability and policy change becomes a central focus of the debate.

3. Explaining: making the existence of racism easily understandable by: 

• Using concrete evidence,  
• Pointing out patterns, connections and causes
• Placing the focus of attention on institutions
• Appealing to people’s core values of moral fairness and moral decency
• Borrowing legitimacy and moral authority from respected sources
• Using irrefutable personal stories to illustrate systemic patterns, etc.

***New Hip Hop Music Link***
Prelude to Serenity playlist
