Bypass SSL Pinning Using HTTP Toolkit and Frida (Monitor Traffic!)
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Sometimes app developers don't want you snooping around, in this video we'll take a look at how to bypass SSL Pinning using Frida. Like in our last video, we will use a VPN app as an example of how you can view an Android apps traffic using HTTP Toolkit. Discover how to intercept and analyze the data traffic of your APKs, gain insights into the information exchanged between your app and the internet, and enhance your pentesting skills.
🔊 Music licensed from Pixabay
00:00 Intro
01:09 Android App via Frida
03:42 Google Ads
05:10 Exploring GitHub
07:40 Looking at logs
08:03 Why even use Frida?
10:00 Filtering logs
12:00 Outro
🔊 Music licensed from Pixabay
00:00 Intro
01:09 Android App via Frida
03:42 Google Ads
05:10 Exploring GitHub
07:40 Looking at logs
08:03 Why even use Frida?
10:00 Filtering logs
12:00 Outro
Bypass SSL Pinning Using HTTP Toolkit and Frida (Monitor Traffic!)
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