RailsConf 2019 - Teach by Learning; Lead by Teaching by Betsy Haibel

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RailsConf 2019 - Teach by Learning; Lead by Teaching by Betsy Haibel
Cloud 66 - Pain Free Rails Deployments
Cloud 66 for Rails acts like your in-house DevOps team to build, deploy and maintain your Rails applications on any cloud or server.
Get $100 Cloud 66 Free Credits with the code: RailsConf-19
($100 Cloud 66 Free Credits, for the new user only, valid till 31st December 2019)
Have you ever caught yourself dictating code to a junior dev, rather than pairing? Or resorted to saying “best practice” because you knew you were right, but couldn’t articulate why? We can solve both these problems with “dialogic teaching,” a cornerstone of modern adult-education theory. In this talk, you’ll learn how to go from monologue to dialogue. You’ll learn how to teach developers of all skill levels in ways that center their goals and let you learn from them too. You’ll learn how to practice technical leadership when you’re right – and how to practice it when you’re wrong.
Cloud 66 - Pain Free Rails Deployments
Cloud 66 for Rails acts like your in-house DevOps team to build, deploy and maintain your Rails applications on any cloud or server.
Get $100 Cloud 66 Free Credits with the code: RailsConf-19
($100 Cloud 66 Free Credits, for the new user only, valid till 31st December 2019)
Have you ever caught yourself dictating code to a junior dev, rather than pairing? Or resorted to saying “best practice” because you knew you were right, but couldn’t articulate why? We can solve both these problems with “dialogic teaching,” a cornerstone of modern adult-education theory. In this talk, you’ll learn how to go from monologue to dialogue. You’ll learn how to teach developers of all skill levels in ways that center their goals and let you learn from them too. You’ll learn how to practice technical leadership when you’re right – and how to practice it when you’re wrong.