Metal Gear Survive: Rescue Mission Co-Op - Fast Pro Tips

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Fast Pro Tips for Rescue Mission Coop in the game Metal Gear Survive. In the Salvage Missions, the Rescue Mission is the latest multiplayer coop mode where your goal is to rescue three targets (survivors) trapped inside a wormhole. You release them by starting a digger and then carry them back to the main Wormhole Digger for evacuation. Video shows how to quickly get all 3 targets fast without preparation. You can see a funny reaction as the other 3 players did not expect such a fast carry of the first survivor. In addition, see pro tips on how to quickly carry target without getting hit, and also how to protect the target when someone else is carrying him. Gameplay walkthrough on PS4 Pro version of Metal Gear Survive.
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edepot takes no side in the conflict between Konami and Kojima, so please don't use this video for venting those opinions. Besides, this game is too fun not to play! Other youtube creators resort to attacking other channels, rather than make interesting content. Jealousy and dirty tricks (fake accounts, fake comments, lies about other channels, etc) drives their goal for views, while you can always count on edepot to make great content. Look through edepot's playlist of games for all the hidden secrets


edepot how do I get the large survival bag? I know it was quite inexpensive in the last event to buy with BP but I'd heard it could be obtained by doing base dig5.


If you throw a lure bottle nearby do they ignore it?


This looks so easy because of your guys character level, I wouldn't be surprised if you were in the 60's.


Not related to the video but if I kill soldiers on an “Eliminate the armoured tank unit” special op will I get demon points?
