Metal Gear Survive - Crew Management Guide How to Get A Ratings

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Amazing how deep and complex the gameplay gets. Thanks for sharing this.


Started playing a Week ago and this Guide is REALLY helpful. Thanks a lot!


Good to know that you can check them instantly after moving them, I was waiting the 15 mins for progress reports after moving them. They really should bring back the dismiss option though, would make the whole process alot quicker


Great video, this was just the info I was looking for and you explained the system great tyvm^^


Quick comment about defense rating: It doesn't add to your base defense, it _multiplies_ the defense value of everything you build (so it doesn't help that stat if you don't have anything built), while simultaneously _dividing_ the enemy numbers, meaning that it's helpful even if you're defending in person.


Thanks to you my friend I just managed my first B ranking (in base defence). The amount of survivors I sent on doomed missions though :)

I did rename my survivors initially, but something glitched and it renamed Dan and Nicholas too and couldn't edit them back. Thankfully it fixed after the weekly reset, but it scared me enough I don't rename them anymore. Currently sitting on 22 people with either positive or modest so over halfway there.

Oh, and the final fantasy backing...nice touch! You're my kind of gamer! Keep up the good work!


Low ambition is the current morale, you are in the red in 3 base categories (food, water, beds) the morale will fall to the floor. The thing you need to look for is how will he/she perform, choose the best one they can work in and get your base in the blue and the morale will go up and the first part of the bio will say "they are full of enthusiasm" on all of them. So pick and chose who you want to keep and send off the rest, but ambition is a falls-positive, only performance mater to your base performance. And at the time best vanilla castaways you will get are ether "perform poorly" (worst one) or "not very well" (next tier), you ether need to find better staff or train them. I say find ones with biggest spread of "not well" performing jobs so you can shuffle them around if needed and get some empty slots for new castaways to find better abilities.


I would just like to point out that you do not have to kill your low ambitious characters. If they give you missions to do out in the world and you do enough missions, their enthusiasm goes up. I have all my characters performing well because of those. So when new containers show up, animals quests show up, or singularity mining quests show up, complete those.


great video mate, this is the only part of the game iv been struggling with thanks:)


Thank you so much for this, helped clarify alot of things for me, seriously helpfull and straight to the point.


Cheers for this, my head was starting to hurt trying to figure it all out.


1). the morale for MB in MGSV wasn't from the pummeling its cause they saw you and saluted. even if you interrupted the salute(or stopped it right before hand(no animation) they still get the morale boost.
2). you can check the condition of your survivors by the banner on their name.

Good vids though keep it up :)


Awesome stuff guy. Its pretty good game huh


Perfect, exactly what I needed. Thanks.


Thank you much after i reorganized my recruits based on if they gonna preform well i got tge deve team on A and the defense on B after when they all were C rank thank u alot


Wow thank you so very much!!! This was a real eye opener. Extremely Informative and important/ helpful.
I'm gonna have a crew that is gonna be acting as pleasant happy and useful as if they just came back from a vacation to Hawaii.
P.L.U.R :-)


You have the To Zanarkand song playing. Subscribing for that alone.


How do I increase my exploration team to expansion level3?


I haven’t played the game much yet. Do base defense soldiers actually help you when you’re being attacked?


I like your videos. Could you do an updated video on some of your Survive guides? They've patched a lot of your tricks out.
