Human Physiology | One Shot | Line by Line | Class 11 | NCERT | NEET
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In this video, we will see line by line, all chapters of human physiology.
One shot human physiology comprises all the seven chapters that are present in Class 11, the last unit Human Physiology: Digestion and absorption, Breathing and exchange of gases, Body fluids, and circulation, Excretory Products, and their elimination, Locomotion, and movement, Neural control and coordination, Chemical coordination and integration.
MVG ma'am has covered the new NCERT line by line, especially for NEET, and explained every single concept therein.
Right through every topic and sub-topic that you will find in the new NCERT, Human Physiology, Mridulika Ma'am has covered all in the seven chapters.
We hope you find these easy to understand now. Do mention in the comments which more units do you want in one shot videos.
00:00 Intro of Human Physiology
04:56 Alfonso Corti
07:11 Digestion and absorption introduction
12:54 16.1 Digestive system
13:09 16.1.1 The alimentary canal
15:19 Diagram of the human digestive system
36:13 16.1.2 Digestive glands
43:39 16.2 Digestion of food
1:17:46 16.3 Absorption of digested products
1:25:13 16.4 Disorders of digestive system
1:30:41 PEM
1:32:55 Marasmum
1:36:00 Kwashiorkar
1:38:05 Breathing and exchange of gases introduction
1:45:53 17.1 Respiratory organs
1:51:06 17.1.1 Human Respiratory System and diagrammatic view of human respiratory system
2:09:21 Steps in respiration
2:12:39 Mechanism of breathing
2:24:52 17.2.1 Respiratory volumes and capacities
2:31:29 17.3 Exchange of gases
2:43:40 17.4 Transport of Gases
2:45:51 17.4.1 Transport of Oxygen
2:50:48 17.4.2 Transport of Carbon dioxide
2:55:12 17.5 Regulation of respiration
3:01:03 17.6 Disorders of respiratory system
3:10:16 Body fluids and circulation introduction
3:15:12 18.1 Blood
3:15:41 18.1.1 Plasma
3:19:52 18.1.2 Formed elements
3:29:55 18.1.3 Blood groups
3:30:46 ABO grouping
3:36:08 Rh grouping
3:41:34 18.1.4 Coagulation of blood
3:46:43 18.2 Lymph (Tissue fluid)
3:49:43 18.3 Circulatory pathways
3:54:56 18.3.1 Human circulatory system
4:06:49 18.3.2 Cardiac cycle
4:17:16 18.3.3 Electrocardiograph (ECG)
4:21:25 18.4 Double circulation
4:29:02 18.5 Regulation of cardiac activity
4:31:36 18.6 Disorders of circulatory system
4:37:36 Excretory products and their elimination introduction
4:51:34 19.1 Human Excretory System
5:07:44 19.2 Urine formation
5:16:50 19.3 Functions of the tubules
5:27:04 19.4 Mechanism of concentration of filtrate
5:31:25 19.5 Regulation of Kidney function
5:38:55 19.6 Micturition
5:43:43 19.7 Role of other organs in excretion
5:46:57 19.8 Disorders of the excretory system
5:52:11 Locomotion and movement introduction
5:59:28 20.1 Types of movement
6:05:25 20.2 Muscle
6:21:33 20.2.1 Structure of contractile proteins
6:26:43 20.2.2 Mechanism of muscle contraction
6:37:24 20.3 Skeletal system
6:54:54 20.4 Joints
6:59:07 20.5 Disorder of muscular and skeletal system
7:2:14 Neural control and coordination introduction
7:09:13 21.1 Neural system
7:10:46 21.2 Human neural system
7:15:40 21.3 Neuron as structural and functional unit of neural system
7:22:12 21.3.1 Generation and conduction of nerve impulse
7:30:48 21.3.2 Transmission of impulses
7:36:24 21.4 Central neural system
7:40:12 21.4.1 Forebrain
7:45:16 21.4.2 Midbrain
7:45:41 21.4.3 Hindbrain
7:47:12 21.5 Reflex action and reflex arc
7:51:10 21.6 Sensory reception and processing
7:55: 32 21.6.1 Eye
7:55:54 Parts of an eye
8:02:17 Mechanism of vision
8:04:16 21.6.2 The ear
8:12:28 Mechanism of hearing
8:06:02 Chemical coordination and integration introduction
8:20:21 22.1 Endocrine glands and hormones
8:24:54 22.2 Human endocrine system
8:27:50 22.2.1 The hypothalamus
8:31:52 22.2.2 The pituitary gland
8:47:09 22.2.3 The pineal gland
8:46:57 22.2.4 Thyroid gland
8:53:54 22.2.5 Parathyroid gland
8:55:58 22.2.6 Thymus
8:59:14 22.2.7 Adrenal gland
9:09:40 22.2.8 Pancreas
9:15:17 22.2.9 Testis
9:18:46 22.2.10 Ovary
9:22:28 22.3 Hormones of heart, kidney and gastrointestinal tract
9:25:41 22.4 Mechanism of hormone action
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#OneShotHumanPhysiology #SevenChaptersHumanPhysiology #MVGMaam
One shot human physiology comprises all the seven chapters that are present in Class 11, the last unit Human Physiology: Digestion and absorption, Breathing and exchange of gases, Body fluids, and circulation, Excretory Products, and their elimination, Locomotion, and movement, Neural control and coordination, Chemical coordination and integration.
MVG ma'am has covered the new NCERT line by line, especially for NEET, and explained every single concept therein.
Right through every topic and sub-topic that you will find in the new NCERT, Human Physiology, Mridulika Ma'am has covered all in the seven chapters.
We hope you find these easy to understand now. Do mention in the comments which more units do you want in one shot videos.
00:00 Intro of Human Physiology
04:56 Alfonso Corti
07:11 Digestion and absorption introduction
12:54 16.1 Digestive system
13:09 16.1.1 The alimentary canal
15:19 Diagram of the human digestive system
36:13 16.1.2 Digestive glands
43:39 16.2 Digestion of food
1:17:46 16.3 Absorption of digested products
1:25:13 16.4 Disorders of digestive system
1:30:41 PEM
1:32:55 Marasmum
1:36:00 Kwashiorkar
1:38:05 Breathing and exchange of gases introduction
1:45:53 17.1 Respiratory organs
1:51:06 17.1.1 Human Respiratory System and diagrammatic view of human respiratory system
2:09:21 Steps in respiration
2:12:39 Mechanism of breathing
2:24:52 17.2.1 Respiratory volumes and capacities
2:31:29 17.3 Exchange of gases
2:43:40 17.4 Transport of Gases
2:45:51 17.4.1 Transport of Oxygen
2:50:48 17.4.2 Transport of Carbon dioxide
2:55:12 17.5 Regulation of respiration
3:01:03 17.6 Disorders of respiratory system
3:10:16 Body fluids and circulation introduction
3:15:12 18.1 Blood
3:15:41 18.1.1 Plasma
3:19:52 18.1.2 Formed elements
3:29:55 18.1.3 Blood groups
3:30:46 ABO grouping
3:36:08 Rh grouping
3:41:34 18.1.4 Coagulation of blood
3:46:43 18.2 Lymph (Tissue fluid)
3:49:43 18.3 Circulatory pathways
3:54:56 18.3.1 Human circulatory system
4:06:49 18.3.2 Cardiac cycle
4:17:16 18.3.3 Electrocardiograph (ECG)
4:21:25 18.4 Double circulation
4:29:02 18.5 Regulation of cardiac activity
4:31:36 18.6 Disorders of circulatory system
4:37:36 Excretory products and their elimination introduction
4:51:34 19.1 Human Excretory System
5:07:44 19.2 Urine formation
5:16:50 19.3 Functions of the tubules
5:27:04 19.4 Mechanism of concentration of filtrate
5:31:25 19.5 Regulation of Kidney function
5:38:55 19.6 Micturition
5:43:43 19.7 Role of other organs in excretion
5:46:57 19.8 Disorders of the excretory system
5:52:11 Locomotion and movement introduction
5:59:28 20.1 Types of movement
6:05:25 20.2 Muscle
6:21:33 20.2.1 Structure of contractile proteins
6:26:43 20.2.2 Mechanism of muscle contraction
6:37:24 20.3 Skeletal system
6:54:54 20.4 Joints
6:59:07 20.5 Disorder of muscular and skeletal system
7:2:14 Neural control and coordination introduction
7:09:13 21.1 Neural system
7:10:46 21.2 Human neural system
7:15:40 21.3 Neuron as structural and functional unit of neural system
7:22:12 21.3.1 Generation and conduction of nerve impulse
7:30:48 21.3.2 Transmission of impulses
7:36:24 21.4 Central neural system
7:40:12 21.4.1 Forebrain
7:45:16 21.4.2 Midbrain
7:45:41 21.4.3 Hindbrain
7:47:12 21.5 Reflex action and reflex arc
7:51:10 21.6 Sensory reception and processing
7:55: 32 21.6.1 Eye
7:55:54 Parts of an eye
8:02:17 Mechanism of vision
8:04:16 21.6.2 The ear
8:12:28 Mechanism of hearing
8:06:02 Chemical coordination and integration introduction
8:20:21 22.1 Endocrine glands and hormones
8:24:54 22.2 Human endocrine system
8:27:50 22.2.1 The hypothalamus
8:31:52 22.2.2 The pituitary gland
8:47:09 22.2.3 The pineal gland
8:46:57 22.2.4 Thyroid gland
8:53:54 22.2.5 Parathyroid gland
8:55:58 22.2.6 Thymus
8:59:14 22.2.7 Adrenal gland
9:09:40 22.2.8 Pancreas
9:15:17 22.2.9 Testis
9:18:46 22.2.10 Ovary
9:22:28 22.3 Hormones of heart, kidney and gastrointestinal tract
9:25:41 22.4 Mechanism of hormone action
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#OneShotHumanPhysiology #SevenChaptersHumanPhysiology #MVGMaam