SHAME on GOP WIMPS Who Hate Trump but Couldn't Endorse Kamala! (w/ Al Franken) | Bulwark Podcast

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The former senator from Minnesota recounts his early fandom for Tim Walz and how he won an unlikely congressional race in 2006. Plus, Kamala finding her footing, the cowardly Republicans who are shying away from endorsing her, a floundering Trump, and Franken's 70s-era comedy. Al Franken joins Tim Miller.

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The Bulwark Podcast: Tim Miller and guests discuss the latest news from inside Washington and around the world. No shouting, grandstanding, or sloganeering. Conservative, conscientious, and civil.

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Silence is complicity. Dr. King was crystal clear:

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."


What really moved me beyond Gus’s exuberance was that his family let be who he is. No one tried to quiet him. The genuine love this family has for each other is the best of all of us.


I was glad they gave a slot at the convention to Adam K!!
Respect since Jan 6th committee! Thank you for standing up for your country!


Love Sen. Al Franken… I sure wish we still had him in the Senate. We lost a great Senator when he resigned… he never should have had to resign.


As a New Zealander I've loved watching the DNC. The speeches have been wonderful. The Obamas moved me to tears and Tim Walz. VOTE BLUE !!!!


I'm proud of Adam Kinzinger, 🇺🇸💙he stood up for DEMOCRACY!! all these General's say he's a danger to this country, yet hide behind the curtain. They know Trump is evil for this country & for our military, these MEN should look deep into their soul if they love this country & democracy THEN "DO SOMETHING" 💙💙💙💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Love Al Franklin. Still pissed at my Democrats for not standing by him.


I am so happy to have found this podcast! As a former republican, turned moderate democrat, I appreciate a sane, collegial political discussion amongst guest who don’t see eye to eye on politics, but believe in democracy. Thank you, Tim. I especially appreciated your commentary at the end of this episode regarding all of us questioning those in power and not letting “them” get away with things that don’t pass one’s personal “sniff test”. Onward!


YOU'RE A LEGEND AL FRANKIN!!! Thank you for all you've done to make America a better place for all of us!!! And doing it with humor and civility!!! (Disabled U.S. Navy veteran)


All Republicans should be speaking out against Trump. Voting 💙💙


Glad to see and hear from you Al Franken.A man with common sense.


After everything Chris Christie has said about Trump, he still ends up bending the knee. I will never listen to another word from that man again. He and Nikki Haley are a disgrace.


Proud to have cast a vote for Tim Walz when he first ran for congress in our district. Best vote I ever cast. We Miss you in office Al !


As was said by a Republican last night, "Voting for Democrats in this election doesn't mean you're betraying your Party, it means you're a Patriot."


We, sane Minnesotans, LOVE Al Frankin! 💙


Growing up in Wisconsin, with a really sh!tty racist homophobic dad that didn't participate in anything in my school or community or basically my life (except threaten to get me exorcized by a priest when I came out as gay) ... Tim Walz is AMAZING to me. I think a lot of people are feeling a very personal and emotional connection to him. I think he is exactly what this ticket needed. Josh Shapiro feels like another coastal urban elite lawyer to many people.


Thank you, Tim Miller. I think it is extremely difficult to change your mind and maybe harder to do so publicly. You have become a symbol of hope for me. You show me that people can come around. 💜
I'm still saddened that we don't have Al Franken in Congress. Leaving might have been the decent thing to do, it seems like all of us were punished for a failed joke. I hope this November will make you consider running for office again. 💙


Al Frankenstein is on! Yea! What a treat! I want to see him all the time! Those comments about older candidates really sting! I know they are true but way too close to home. I’m 77 and some things I’ve seen during this political season inspired me to go back to working out with a trainer, improve my wardrobe, take care of some minor medical issues, go back to taking my vitamins and continuing to eat healthy. I also saw my latest drivers license picture 😳. My voice is still vibrant enough, but maybe I’ll do some singing in the shower. I realized I was just lying on the couch watching the Bulwark. Hours on end. And MTN. 💙💙💙💙💙 Doing what I can to help the Democracy cause.💙💙💙💙💙


Thank you, Al, for helping to make it possible for us to have Tim Walz.


It's sad that the phrases ' be good to your neighbors' and 'mind your own business', is something we have to rally around in 2024. But here we are and I am thrilled to vote for Harris & Waltz
