Find The Games / Badge Games History (2010 - 2022)

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😈Find The Game History (2010 - 2022)
😈Music 1: Secret Ost :ghost:
😈Music 5: got copyrighted so I deleted
😈Punstoppable. Making thumbnail.
😈Jasontoodles making OST

#roblox #history #levitatorlevi #findthe #chomik
#findthechomik #findthemarkers #findthemarkersupdate #findthelittleguys #bonnet #explained #robloxlevitatorlevi #chomiks #levitatorlevi
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Shocked how you didn’t include the OG Find The Doges, one of the greatest badge hunting games on the platform when it was in its prime but unfortunately a few months ago it was officially announced it was discontinued


Respect for not adding the goofy ah find the door rainbow friends floppa morph games


Imagine Find The Music Notes where you have to find EVERY single music note that exists


This was a fun video, but I saw NOTHING of the second big boom of Badge Games.
For context, the first boom is the "Find the Epic Fruit" saga. In the middle, Domos came out. The second boom (and my favorite) was between 2016 and 2019. Shrek coming during (but not being part of it) and Eggs following suit after the book was over, but still blends in with references to Domos and Doges. Then the third boom and biggest, Find the Chomiks.
It's about time that I talk about the second boom, which is very obscure.

Find the Doges by Dogeeri was the very start of it. A lot of people played it and it was quite possibly the first game with realms, and the only for some good time. People went crazy about Boss Doge, the sword from Master Doge... A lot of stuff.
This caused someone known as SuperFIames to make his own game with somebody known as Santi, I believe. Find the Doges fanmade. A lot of people joined, one being legoyoshi3. It was all going pretty good until the game got taken down.
During all this, SpaceDog was also working on his own project. Find the Doge Heads 2. It quickly became one of the biggest badge games and one of the few that had "special hard" badges, which could be gotten at any time but were so hard that they were to be kept a secret. You would be threatened with a warn if you showed one.
Some time forward, Legoyoshi3 is making his own Find the Doges fanmade, and continously updates it. It was very small with not much. It was almost non-existent to the public, but it felt like another one of the family.
Shortly after, Find the Bigheads released. SuperFIames' first big project. While it didn't really take off, it felt pretty big even at the start where there were only two zones. It felt like a next new hit but it probably failed. This ended the trend but the game did keep getting updated for a good while, extending the life of this second boom.

This is all the information I know. As of right now, SuperFIames Legoyoshi3 and SpaceDog are working together in a game, but I don't remember its name.


It's surprise about finding game devs were became popular game devs. Find the Domos to Tower Battles, Find the Trollfaces to DOORS


This is such a good video! I'm actually working on a find the badges game right now called AGAFS :D


Find the markers, is now BY FAR the best, find the __ game. The mechanics are amazing. And they’re making massive update soon


A month late, but you should've included our badge game in it as well 😁😀


It’s sad that there are some find the ___ games that are not so good but got popular And some games (like Find the Phantoms, Find the ducks and Find the Alalals ) those almost died :(


The Shrek was the first one I ever played


So, i played ftc way b4 i play jtoh and you're telling me they're connected??? i had no idea they had anything to do with eachother apart from towers and ftc players playing jtoh. damn.


Pbjms made another find the game in 2011
Find The dancing apples


and most of the games that are alive take so long to update that are on this video, like find the markers isnt close to ending but it takes so long to update meanwhile find the chomiks is the same thing but its close to ending


you should include the find the morphs sub-genre, and tell the viewers how badly-made they are


For me the best Badge games was Find The Little Guys, and Find The Chomiks


Hey Levitator! I'm working on my own find the game, inspired by Find the Trollfaces unique yet polished take on the genre, Find the Little Guys unique puzzles, and Find the Chomiks variety of intelligent and new content. I'm commenting to ask you to playtest once it gets into the Closed EA state. Would you be able to or consider it? Thanks for reading, take your time getting back to me!


By the time of making this i can expect u didn’t put in that Find The Trollfaces a rememed version made (way better)


Y know you should hav added find the cornbreads it was a pretty cool game sadly it got discontinued but they made a new game find the bugs also should have added that


Find the markers had more than 300k players when candy land i saw EDIT: i got all chomiks and ofc markers😂


You forgot find the bigheads it’s way newer but still amazing and find the pandas
