3 TYPES Of Women A Man Should AVOID Dating

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3 TYPES Of Women A Man Should AVOID Dating... In this dating advice video, I will discuss the types of women a man should avoid dating to help you make informed decisions about your dating and love life. There are different types of women a man should avoid dating, and each of these types may exhibit behaviors or characteristics that can lead to unhealthy or incompatible dating experiences and relationships. Take heed to this relationship advice so you can identify the type of women to avoid dating, and ensure you watch the entire video.

I want you to know the types of women a man should avoid dating and why recognizing the women you should never date is crucial for your overall dating experiences. It would be best to never date these women to increase your chances of finding a partner who aligns better with your values and relationship goals. This dating advice will help you know the women to avoid dating so that you can take proactive steps in your dating journey.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and that you can enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Types of women a man should avoid dating
- Types of women to avoid
- Women to avoid
- Women you should never date
- Women to avoid dating
- Online dating
- Types of girls to avoid
- Women to never date
- Never date these girls
- Dating advice for women
- Never date these women
- Dating expert
- Online dating for men
- Life coach for men
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for men video will give you the clarity you need.



I hope you enjoyed my video "3 TYPES Of Women A Man Should AVOID Dating"


#TypesOfWomenToAvoid #WomenToAvoid #WomenYouShouldNeverDate #WomenToAvoidDating #NeverDateTheseWomen #OnlineDatingForMen #DatingExpert #RelationshipAdviceForMen #RelationshipExpert #StephanSpeaks
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Let's add some.more types to the list:

- I love to party
- All men want just sex
- Men suppose to
- I'm a princess and diserve a prince
- Why are you controlling me? I can do whatever I want
- I hate my father / Fathers are not important


This video describes my ex. I can handle most qualities even if they are slightly negative but her constant bad attitude was seriously draining. Always something wrong or mad at someone


Nice one.. you just saved me from this relationship with this single mother of 2.... I mean I love open communication but she loves to sweep things under the rug.... when ever I asked her that can we talk about it... she'll no...I mean not once or twice. Also she doesn't like to take responsibility for her actions instead she'll be playing victim and trying to make me feel guilty... that's when I decided that the relationship is not for me.... I got more clarity while watching your video for the first time. Thanks stephan...
Sending❤ all the way from Nigeria ( na Naija love o😂)


Nice breakdown. Appreciate the content for the guys!


*These types of women can make you feel like you’re always trying to prove your worth. Instead, focus on someone who values themselves and encourages mutual growth and respect in the relationship.*


Coming to take notes to become a better woman 🗒️🧘🏿‍♀️


Stephan, this topic is so vast that you can write entire book on this


Big up my bro you have made me see the light my brother ahahah finally made that right move in my life to shut down a toxic on and off relationship over 8 years


Just sent the video to one of my male friends haha 😄


I notice I barley see men commenting here.. more men need to watch this channel.. most of them watch those red pill/misogynistic channels that’s literally does not help them keep a women.. it’s sad the times we live in.. so much technology and content.. it’s like as your dating you also got to find out what the person your dating is watching on YouTube, podcast etc. a lot of them taking in the wrong information and applying it to their dating lives and it’s infecting the dating the pool and this goes for both men and women be carful with the kinds of content you are consuming


Stephan : as a single mom with a very difficult co-parenting relationship. I’d love to hear more on the definition of drama. What things cause issues in the new/next/current relationship so I can make sure it’s in order and not affecting my man. I always hope to find a man to offer emotional support when something happens with the co-parent. So what expectation is fair. I feel like many people label any kind of conflict or tough co-parenting relationship as drama. And I feel like this would be helpful.


If they talk over you, interrupt you or constantly correct you (nagging's little sister), BEWARE!


I currently talk to a woman who’s all over the place. She has little conversation when we talk, she constantly will text me and when I respond don’t reply right away. She made plans before and it didn’t work out for a personal situation but after that she continues to not be consistent. At this point I realize her word isn’t 100! Im no way emotional just didn’t realize women are just as sloppy as men


Hello 😊 …. I came here to learn ( I’m a passionate scholar “ just love to learn “ ), …. From the BEST😉👍 😊😊😊


You guys do realize sometimes us moms can’t help or control the exes actions or clean up that mess as simple as that and some men are just messy. Sometimes we are stuck dealing with the crazy and drama and would give anything to make it stop. It’s hard to punish the woman if she’s in a situation she cannot control or change and the drama isn’t her doing.


important google your date, myself finding scammers vs real men have same issues.. He don't want do spend time video chat, don't know you make content on real issue fake dating ..becoming aware everyone deny it, it's okay god got you


A real woman will add value to a mans life. She wants to see him thrive. She dont have to be rich...just being smart, educated, being supportive and willing to listen and uplift him and be his peace.
Men stop going for them party girls or irresponsible women. Avoid the narcissists or IG models or entitled women.
Get you a woman whos okay with spending a friday night reading. If a woman loves you she will be content with staying home with you alone and watching movies and not playing on her phone 👌🏽


Would love to chat to you one day Stephan..🙏🏽💚💚💚💚🙌🏾


I would also add spoiled, entitled, kid/young adult drama


I have no problem with dating single mothers. For me, it boils down to the same thing as women without kids, which is, do our values align.
