Anwar’s govt has yet to yield any results, says Dr M

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Former prime minister rates the government’s performance in its first hundred days.

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I am someone who wanted Sarawak to gain independence from Malaysia for the longest time but ever since Anwar has been in power, I feel he is giving us what we want and the likeliness Sarawak and Sabah being equal partners to Semenanjung has made think that maybe there is still hope in Malaysia. Anwar has for the first time made me actually proud to call myself a Malaysian.


Better than Mahathir who not only got hold of power for 22 months and did nothing in an even shorter period of time but caused the downfall of the Gov due to his infamous resignation. Rakyat will not forget and even not impress at all by his performance. Thank you for the underwhelming statement. I am impressed with DSAI 100 days reformation. Let him have his full term then and only then we the rakyat can see and judge his performance. There is a limit to our patience when a once considered a savior to Malaysia back in 2018 made a U-Turn and back stab his own Gov by resigning just to prevent his predecessor from coming up. Consider yourself lucky that DSAI do not dig up your past.


As a Bornean, I'm even less impressed by what you achieved in 24 years, Dr M.


22 years and 22 months he couldn't improve the economic position of the Malays and wants to comment about DSAI when he is just 100 days in office


I am impressed by the Anuar cabinet in the last 100 days
1.He did not go to Japan to borrow the Samurai bond to increase the nation debts.
2.He did not declared the country as bangkrupt and making many investors leaving Malaysia in favour of other ASEAN countries.
3.He didn't start quarrelling with India so as not to stop India from buying our oil palms.
4.He didn't create political uncertainty and instability in the country inorder to cling to power.


No need to publish his comments anymore la. Let him rest


Diam lah Tun. Tun ingat Tun sahajalah yang boleh mentadbirkan Malaysia. Siapa siapa lain tak layak. Sudah lah. Tolong bersara dan duduk diam dirumah. Jangan kacau lagi Malaysia tercinta ini.


Anwar should do more to recover those billions stolen by him to enrich family.


Trouble maker. No shame after losing his elections deposit. Anwar is working so hard doing so many things and visiting so many countries to bring Malaysia business to boost Malaysia's economy.


What is Tun M talking about??? Whithin the minimun time frame PM Anwar Ibrahim had done more than Tun in last years.


Hasn't yield any results for his sons with no juicy contract in sight


I believe Anwar is way wiser and competent PM than the previous two. As an ex PM, you should inspire and encourage for the betterment of the country. It's time to move on from animosity and racial lines for the sake of future generations. To clean up mess from current mentality and destructive cultural practices requires more than 100 days. Look at the incompetencies of our transportation plan and urban planning. We build infrastructures for the sake of enriching cronies and then place incapable bumiputeras incharge, leaving unnecessary inconvenience for ordinary Malaysians who wants a reliable and conducive public infrastructure. One less stressful journey to work, school and leisure for every Malaysian, one more collective happiness resonates in the society. More places of worship unfortunately are not yielding much needed civility, compassion, justice and fraternity among us.


Tak pyh siarkan apa2 lagi statement dpd org tua ini. Titah Agong dah jelas. Kekalutan berlaku sejak dia letak jaw tiba2. Diam2 saja.


At least, he approved of Pandora paper to be investigated


PM Anwar, is doing a Great job, let him complete his task, it's wrong to make any judgement or comment in 100 days after his appointment. Dr. M couldn't fulfil any task for the past 22 years for nation.


Still bitter n jealous at his old ripe age of Anwar. Why still not repentance at the damage u inflicted on the nation whilst awaits the day of judgement in solemn n full repentance.


Tun M should be grateful that DSAI does not drag him to court


Anuar has been one of the BEST thing that has happened to Malaysia. BEST because he has brought together all races!. He has never belittled rakyat as orang asing unlike some others who are like THE DEVIL in disguise.


Oh yeah...what about your Wawasan 2020...such a hypocrite duh! I was in my teens when you started this I'm going to be a grandma soon 🤦


Anwar PM for only 3 months. Mahathir PM for 22 years + 22 months. What rubbish he is talking? If Malaysia is a failure, it is not because of Anwar but because of Mahathir. Mahathir, u lost your deposit in Langkawi. Still wanna talk so much?
