Palindrome Program In Java Tutorial #63
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This palindrome program in java and explanation will help you get working code! ✅Hopefully, what I've taught you will help you with your palindrome java program.
A palindrome is a word or phrase that is the same reversed, as it is originally:
race car
If you reverse each of these (and exclude spaces) then they will spell the same word. In this palindrome java program, we will use a for loop to get each character from the word, and then use another for loop to compare each reversed character to the original to determine if the String is indeed a palindrome.
This palindrome java code can be tricky at first... But SURELY you'll get it :) If you followed along, congrats! You learned-by-doing!
I hope you enjoyed this palindrome program in java tutorial! I like to have a nice mix of tutorials and actual projects for you all :)
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Alex Lee