The Only Items You Need in Your Hospital Bag

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Full printable checklist can be found here

Being pregnant with my 4th baby in 5 years, here is what I think the bare-bones minimum amount your need to pack in your hospital bag!

I have researched many hospital bag checklist guides and find that most of them list a lot of unnecessary items.

So let's cut right to the chase. In this video you will find a checklist for you and your partner on my personal recommendations on the only items you need to pack in your hospital bag.

#hospitalbag #pregnancy #pregnancytips #givingbirth #postpartum #momtobe #firstimemom #momtobe
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Me watching this very intently even though I’m 14 and don’t plan on having kids:


These vids are quite helpful for people getting ready to give birth because even if u dont want exactly the same stuff it gets you thinking about it and gives you ideas on what might be good for you.


I didn’t think to bring a fan (even just a small hand held fan) and I regretted it— it will be in my bag next time!


when she says lots, she means LOTS. The day after I gave birth I was starving! I hate all the snacks I brought with me plus a hospital meal, plus a full foot-long Subway sandwich, chips and I was very thirsty as well! I drink at least a gallon of water that day. So lots of snacks!


I heard that a good tip for hospital bags is to lay out the stuff you need and let your partner pack them in the bag. This way your partner knows where everything is and you can just focus on your labor and birthing process instead of having to find stuff in the bag.


Had a number of young ladies who delivered during COVID. All we’re back home in 7-8 hrs and one had a c-section. The C-section one wore her husbands shirt home and other than that they wore out what they wore in. I just barely had time to clean up their houses and they were back in the driveway. They did head straight for the shower and appreciated the clean towels and gown. I dried and brushed their hair and off to bed with the new families. Left heat and eat food in fridge. Apparently it can all be done with no socks, toothbrush or even a cool soundtrack lol no extra bags were even taken in to the hospital lol


About to have my 5th baby and girl this is too much lol. I don't pack half of that lol


Add to that, I like travel size toiletries, makes it so your bag can be that much smaller, plus you wont really need much while you're there, and in my experience the bottles that are made for travel are less likely to leak in your bag 😁👍🥰 good luck mamas! Love, light, positivity, and wishes for speedy and uncomplicated deliveries to all of y'all ❤❤❤❤


I definitely wish I brought a pillow! Even just a cheap one to toss after. The pillows at my hospital were paper thin and I could not get comfortable to save my life. It also would have helped with breastfeeding.


the ONLY items?? made it sound like it wouldn’t be a lot but that’s a lot in my opinion lol


Unless pregnancy is high risk or baby is early. I had several pjs and socks and such I used everything I had my first go around. My pregnancy is high risk and I know I will not be sent home same day and possibly even next day. So I’ll have two sets as well. First time I was there for a week. We’ll see how this time goes one week left…


Sleep mask, ear pods & lip moisturizer


A ton of ladies have told me don't do leggings because of the bulky pad and undies.


This is if you're going to be staying in the hospital for a few days which is common and sometimes recommended but some people also walk out the same day after just having a baby depends on your situation


Long legged socks, a loose faja, lotion, creme, big pillow to place your arm and big Hair clips for the IV unit.


Add Depends to that list, especially if you know your having a c-section. Those giant pads they give you are uncomfortable and just don't work the way you need them too. Go for the super absorbent ones not the pretty I pee a teaspoon when I chuckle ones!


This is all very personal I guess, personally for me this is way more than I ever needed! USA is pretty different to UK tho I think.


Incase of a C-section bring a hair tie without any metal on it. I also don’t recommend mittens babies need to feel around especially for breastfeeding.


I agree with the comments below that it depends on preference. I'm having my second baby but with my first i ended up being in the hospital lomger than originally planned. 4 days for me and 10 days for my daughter. And had wished i wqa better prepared and jad extra bags to carry all the free goodies and stuff hospital give out. Im better prepared now.


Great tips for the new Mom! Everyone needs to watch your videos & follow suit of what you say!
