Voiceplay Just Sing A Cappella Reaction

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RandumbTom reacts to Just Sing with Voiceplay and more. A truly amazing mix of artist. This was incredible to watch!
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Your reaction was a delight to watch. Priceless!!


I ABSOLUTELY LOVE MUCH JOY THIS BROUGHT YOU!!! The way your face just kept lighting up more and more, with the biggest smile I think I've ever seen yet! :) This song, this MASSIVE collaboration in the middle of the pandemic... is one of the most incredible things I've seen in my life, and it makes me so happy to see others find as much joy in it as I did when I first saw it. I'm thrilled to have another reactor who's fallen head over heels into the VoicePlay/Geoff rabbit hole. It's the BEST corner of Youtube :D


The look of shear delight on your face made this reaction so worth it! 360 degrees of VP! 🥰🎶


Go back and watch Scott again. The original name of the group was 4:2:Five. Scott is wearing the T shirt from back in the olden days. They changed the name to Voiceplay about 2012.
I love this because of all the artists that they have worked with, who were willing to do the recording. Also, because it was for a charity. It shows the caliber of men in the group.


This is what VP does... they help when help is needed. Not just the song royalties to donate, but also just lifting spirits during a dark and difficult time! 🌹🕊


Emoni performed with Voiceplay in The Sing Off Tour replacing Honey who was also in this. Emoni and Rachel are featured in Voiceplay's "The Wicked Medley" songs from the Broadway show Wicked. They are stunning together.


Some of the Voiceplay discord members got together and redid this video and song from around the world. They released it on YouTube on the 3 year anniversary as when Voiceplay released it.
Sing It Together by VoiceplayProject.


There's something very uplifting and joyous about this one! I smile every time I hear it!❤


This one always makes my heart happy. I'm so glad you got to see it so early in your Voiceplay journey!


The pandemic was such a hard time for so many. It did offer the opportunity for the goodness in people to shine too, this is a prime example of basic goodness. Thank you Voiceplay.


Home Free did something similar with Peter Hollens with I Still haven't Found What I'm Look For but their chorus was fans of Peter's and Home Free's who responded to their patreon invites and sent in their videos. The joining of voices from all over the world is just beautiful.


No matter how bad your circumstances, watch this, Bang, Butter, or The lion Sleeps Tonight. The joy is infectuous. It is good knowing there are people like this in the world.


I've always loved this one, I learned so much about the people that VoicePlay surrounds themselves with. A good one you will enjoy is Wicked with Rachel and Emoni. Another is In The Hall Of The Mountain King with Elizabeth Garozzo who is in that group you just saw.


I had a strong feeling you’d love this song! Plus it gives you some new voiceplay songs to look up 🥰


When you rewatch, pause often and you’ll see all the things that they’ve been doing in addition to appearing with VoicePlay. For instance Rachel was on Broadway as were several others. This was done during the pandemic, partly as a fundraiser for out of work musicians due to Covid. I wouldn’t mind seeing them do another version with all the new people they’ve collaborated with, but I sure as heck don’t want another pandemic.

About a year ago a group of
reactors and patrons got together and presented VoicePlay with their version and appreciation for all the joy they’ve given us. And just like the original, everyone recorded in their own homes and it was all put together via the magic of the Internet. I’ve included the link because it’s kind of hard to find:


Isn’t this so fun!! I think I commented it already but I’m sure Scott Porter is on The Masked Singer right now as The Gumball 😅
