Aroid Mix (Soil Free!) for HEALTHY Roots!

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Hello Planterior Decorators! 🌿

I have been asked to make a 'soil' video a number of times now... and sorry to disappoint that I don't actually use soil all that much hehe. I promise you this is better and makes for happier roots!!

P.S. Please excuse the mess my greenhouse is in... I got my new beneficial bugs and they didn't come in the sachets and I made a whole mess. I'll be cleaning it out after I know my precious mites have found their homes on the plants :)

No-Soil Aroid Mix:
- perlite, bark chips, coco coir, worm castings, leca balls (optional), volcanic rock (optional)
- swap out perlite for vermiculite if you want better water retention


Thanks for watching! See you all in the next video :)
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As requested, my 'soil' mix!! These chunky mixes are great for promoting happy, healthy roots!


Before i saw this video, I have recently changed all my potting soil mix and used all the ingredients you've mentioned here(soilless mix), but I'm not quite sure whether it will be suitable for my aroids, but after watching your video i now can sleep peacefully without worries. Thank you.


OMYGOD I must show your video to my Mom!! She constantly overwaters her plants no matter how many times I tell her to please stop overwatering them because then, I have to turn around and rescue them which trust, I don't mind at all!! But it amazes me that she just can't understand why her plants start turning yellow or die lol!!❤


I just repotted 10 plants in a very similar soil mix. I know I know. 🤭 It’s winter but they needed it. Praying that they start flourishing 🤞🏾


I'm new to all this... been watching a ton of videos and yours is by far the best. This soil mixture makes sense too, even to someone who has zero knowledge about plants and is so confused by all the different infos put out there. Thank you 👍😀


Love your mix. Makes real sense. You obviously love your plants.


Finally someone making sense👐👐 our soil mixes are personal, Following a recipe is kinda ridiculous...However learning about the ingredients you can mix together is awesome❣Great informational video❣


Great video ! I’ve been noticing that even my pothos are dying, then I see all the roots rotting off into the soil 🙄 I do have to add more items (cocoa chunks, charcoal) to my potting mixtures.
BTW can’t wait to see you in your new home! I have a feeling, you’ve been slowly packing your plant collection...and will gradually move them into their new home(s) 🙌🏾


Would love to see some repotting videos!


"Where the humidity is Canadian" - damn I felt that in my soul 😂 Indoor humidity in an Ottawa winter hits sub 20% 😭 I just add some sphagnum moss as a top dressing to help keep moisture in!


Can’t wait to start repotting, in my mind I knew the problem, now I know how to fix it ! bye bye dense soil👌🏼👌🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I actually did the same thing with my Leca Balls. I tried to convert over to it and it just doesn't work for how I am as a plant person so I started adding them into my soil mixture. I feel like I finally am seeing the mixture that works for me and this video reassured me. Thank you!


I’m new to plants and thought I was doing a good job with my potting soil mixed with pumice and worm castings 😅 your chunky mix looks perfect 😍


Wow hands-down the best video I have seen on


Another non-loving leca mama 😆 great as usual 💚


Just found your video in my feed and LOVE the BEAUTIFUL plant space in your intro!! And thank you for sharing, I could definitely use this mix for my Anthuriums and Orchids!!❤️😊🙏


This was so incredibly informative and really covered all the bases. Thank you so much.


Hello, fellow Canadian! A while back I had bought a HUGE bag of coco 'peat' not realizing how fine it was... big mistake! It held so much water even when adding huge amounts of perlite/pumice. I'm slowly working my way through the bag since I don't want to waste it, but I have a feeling it is going to take forever to use up. I might have to give my Mom's yard a ninja donation.

I do now have coco chunks & fiber, what a huge difference! I am so glad you showed the bags as I found it hard to find the coco chunks & fiber, and ended up having to buy it off of Etsy; however, at least it was pre-rinsed so I didn't have to worry about buffering it/rinsing it myself since I don't have an RO system in my condo! Regarding the charcoal, does it have to be horticultural charcoal, which essentially is charred wood, or is it okay to be using aquarium activated charcoal? I like the fact that the activated carbon/charcoal is so uniform in size.


Just found your page and omg I am so happy 😊 thank you so much for this video. It was SOOOO INFORMATIVE!!! I'll be watching all your videos you are the


Great video 👍🏽. I live in Mn so I understand your weather. Your plants are beautiful. I have both cactus, succulents and tropical plants. I have learned so much from tub and you. If you could do a session about where to cut different plants for propagation. Thanks again.
