WATCH LIVE: Prime Minister Rishi Sunak at the CBI Annual Conference

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Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

Downing Street
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Corporation tax increase is at odds with his claim about supporting small and medium businesses which are much less able to offeset R&D against CT


The bharadwa family are not a part of my history as they have done nothing for myself or family and are just normal people with no such prestigious history with myself and therefore cannot have any kind of control ever as only I can command. And my sister mr and her bharadwa family do not pay for myself and they need to understand who I am.🤴🏽🕉🔺➕


Innovation = automation = RESOURCES.
Rick Rule stated to watch out for resources taking off. I'm in.


🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 UK invites industries.
Foriegn factories will have no Tax 💯% tax redemption in UK .They are welcome.they are invited to start their factory in uk
Uk will provide them free lands required in appropriate places.
UK government Prime MINISTER RISHI Sunak must invite all biggest manufacturing companies of Arab Emirates and USA 🇺🇲 companies to start their units in UK .As a Separate Country, the Top 500 US Manufacturing Firms Would Have Been the World’s Third Largest Economy Last Year


I do not require people to mix up towns and city’s from India to be mixed up with Pakistan. India Hyderabad is different from Pakistan Hyderabad etc. 🤴🏽🕉🔺➕


There are many non Indian Hindus that where trying to live the Bollywood lifestyles as shown on Bollywood cinema. These cinematic features stories and lifestyle are only for Indian Hindu people only. known as the Hindu Bollywood Star. 🤴🏽🕉🔺➕


Indian Hindu Mandirs and temples located outside of India that have a ancient value like Angkor Wat in Cambodia are the traceable properties of my own and the Indian Hindu Khumbars made it and lived in it. None of the people in Cambodia or any other the other countries are a part of it as they where all Nishads even in the 1800’s and some still even today, as they had no building skills to ever make them. And so the scam of legacy’s should be taken away from idiotic people. 🤴🏽🕉🔺➕


My work and discoveries are my own family formula and Royal Imperial Hindu History and have nothing to do with non Indian Hindus and all have traceable Indian hindu Khumbars living in India that are part of the first kingdom of the planet as installed into the Indian Government through Indian Hindu political parties. And Britain cannot have access to it as it’s not the history of Britain proving that the colonial British where just hired by the Indian Hindu Khumbar Kingdom and by public demand also removed from colonial countries as people of the world did not even in those days like British culture or people. 🤴🏽🕉🔺➕


If myself or family sell something the buyer is not entitled to kind of information about myself or family and only allowed the information about the product they are buying in terms of the products description only as listed in the sale. People or company’s cannot buy myself or family’s where as myself and family can buy companies and there private and personal information. 🤴🏽🕉🔺➕


The British police and world police services have full authority to arrest members of the British monarchy including Charles Windsor for crimes against humanity and many other inhumane acts. 🤴🏽🕉🔺➕


Myself, my family and my old Indian Hindu martial arts students all bought there own homes through hard work and have no one to thank for the things that they have achieved and they certainly have nothing to do with non Indian Hindus or people with bogus stories of associations. And our homes and properties have nothing to do with Christians, Catholics, Muslims Jews or Freemasons. Some people that didn’t work towards buying a home and just tried to act high and mighty through other peoples achievements are probably
Suffering and must of thought about there actions. Rather than trying to act like idiots now because they are not wanted and never the star when they where associated. 🤴🏽🕉🔺➕


My family the Indian Hindus and myself along with many other people are not and will not ever protect the British monarchy as it owes us money and colonial stolen artefacts and i or the Indian Hindus and others do not work or ever give our own power rights and efforts to Charles Windsor and family as we don’t really want them and have older traceable family lineages that are royal. The other fact is that we did not elect the British monarchy as or any monarch to ever represent or let them think we are empowering them ever. As around 99% of ethnics migrated to the uk to claim there own money through Democratic migration due to racism I do not agree with the United Kingdom as I will be going to Asia to form the International Kingdom based on reality and proper sovereignty. And expect the uk to give back the money owed to the country’s that where looted during colonialism. And therefore my powers and star is not for the British people as I already have my dual nationality with India as I chose to leave the uk in 2012 after I finish my own Hindu Bhagwan Chandradev Chitroda Brahma Timing. 🤴🏽🕉🔺➕


People with the names Stacy, Rebecca, Jai, Kelly, Elizabeth and Ruth can also be sacrificed by the Indian Hindus🤴🏽🕉🔺➕


I don’t want non Indian Hindus to ever get involved with my HBSC account and try to think that can handle or create conflicts between Indians and banks based on political viewpoints or national viewpoints of India or United Kingdom. 🤴🏽🕉🔺➕


Also another point is that I have always been Hindu and have spent more time with Indian Hindu Gujarati people. And all people that are not Indian Hindus should understand all my swroops are Indian Hindu and they do not belong to non Indian Hindus during my tapasiya non Indian Hindus where trying to make up there own story’s and failed as they cannot have me and did nothing for myself and even what they call there society is not even there’s it’s owned by religious rights by Indian Hindus. And so I have started the mental health and mass psychological problems that non Indian now face in trying to understand there own corruption. 🤴🏽🕉🔺➕


My community objective is to show the Indian Hindus the updated history and styling. It is not for showing non Indian Hindus as there star ended in 2005. 🤴🏽🕉🔺➕


As my family and myself keep up with our payments and commitments others cannot make there own system from my powers or body based on other peoples thinking. However I have had renters living in rooms that did not pay there dues and ran away without paying there commitments they can’t there family’s can have there body’s and minds manipulated as i or my family will not ever protect them like others that do not live with myself or family that also do not pay there dues can also have there bodys life mind manipulated for there own wrong doings and trying to lie to the system of company’s, all criminals like this can be manipulated and have there bodys minds money and life manipulated. 🤴🏽🕉🔺➕


Another fact is that there are idiotic people that where thinking that they where good looking and making up false statements about other people thinking that they where good looking as they tried to confuse my sister to think she was saying other people where good looking but infact she said that I was the good looking one and my pictures proove it. And there fire my sister and her friends are useless as I cannot give my power entity’s to her as she hasn’t don’t anything for myself and she cannot have acted to my power as she is not from mine and my father (Bhagwanji Mepa Chitroda) religion. And therefore she cannot not inherit my history or family history as it through my own religion and so she and her friends, her own family and in-laws or same named people are worth nothing and cannot have access to my powers or rights. As it’s my own name and history located all over the United Kingdom not hers. 🤴🏽🕉🔺➕


Because of whom I am from the moment of my birth I consider everyone my enemy including my own family as do not want any kind to ever have access to myself as I don’t believe in anyone apart from myself and do not ever require any witnesses as I show what i want to who I want in my own way without any electronic rendering of any automatic type. 🤴🏽🕉🔺➕


People that do not live in there own family home and rent rooms cannot have access to the powers of the people that are the family and own the home, as and all Indian Hindu Gujarati Khumbars cannot be bought by anyone complicated systems should not be created to try and compensate for those that have not family relation to the home or room that is rented by the alien or tenant. 🤴🏽🕉🔺➕
