The Most Amazing Fish Combos For A 10 Gallon Aquarium

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I have a 10 gallon tank with 4 beautiful male Endlers and 1 gorgeous male Betta. Lots of nano plants and caves. They are soo happy together! Truly a great combination, no nipping, no drama, no fights, just lots of action and laughs.


near where I live, there's a store called, Pet Supplies Plus, they have a smallish live fish section. one day while browsing I noticed tons of baby guppies and mentioned them to the person working that area.
she said, do you want some? we cannot sell them because they're not in inventory so we give them away, mostly as Betta food !
I said yes please I'll take as many as you can catch ...
she sent me home with about 35, I now I have about 350 in various tanks and tubs....all different kinds
I've had problems in the past with guppies dying within a week or so of buying them, but these babies all survived.
I believe its because they were born in water with parameters like mine and never shipped cross country to new completely different water.


Can we get a fish room tour? Feels like its been a long time since we saw a brief description all the tanks. All of ur tanks are just so inspiring


I have a tank with an opal colored female betta and 2 purple mystery snails. And it's planted with an absolute jungle of dwarf sag. I can't get enough of that setup.


Brad Williams is HILARIOUS.

"You're gonna have to toss the Dwarf."


Thank you for showcasing 10 gallon community aquariums! The secluded times of covid brought me back to fishkeeping. Your channel has taught me so much about giving these little fishies their best life. I have a few 10 gallons. Each had a betta along with a mystery snail and tetras. Now I am venturing into a 40b. I hope you will show more fish combos in each size aquarium. Can we have a tour of your aquariums and pond? Like a real life tour. Who cares if there algae on the glass or wherever. I'm sure the fish, snails, shrimp like it that way.


One boring fish? How dare? NO fish is boring! 👿😂


I had problems keeping Guppies alive, until I hardened up the water, now they just breed like crazy.

Sometimes you need to find the code, then it's suddenly simple! 😀


I love this list! I currently have neons and glo-lite neons in my planted 10 gallon! Before my grandmother moved in, I had a 29 gallon community tank with dalmatian mollies, black neons, rummy nose, 2 coris, and 2 mystery snails... with a betta. I miss that tank.


I love these kinds of videos gives me great ideas! I’m a woman with a 10 & 37 gallon. Lol! I’m just getting back into the hobby seriously this time. I’ve got minnows, zebra danios & endlers currently.


My 10 gallon is awesome. I have 6 Neons, 4 Zebra, 2 Green Tiger Barbs, 2 Albino Tiger Barbs and a pair of Calico Swordtails. My maintenance crew is 2 albino Corys, 2 Otocinclus and 2 mystery snails. My tank is heavily planted and all the plants are growing like crazy. I do not have to mess with it except changing the sponge in my Aqua-Clear once a month and top off the water level as it evaporates... Easily the best of my 3 tanks.


We have otos, male clown killifish and a pygmy corydora in our ten gallon. One of kilifish is now best friends with the pygmy corydora. They're always together swimming side by side and that one killifish acts like the pygmy corydora. They turned out to be a great combo!


Loving these videos you do thankyou. I had fish as a teenager back when internet was only just surfacing. This time round I can learn and understand my fish better. I’ve got a larger tank with Betta, Guppies, Otos and Neons .. bought a group of CPDs but sadly 2 have lived…there were little ones and 2 larger ones and I think the 2 larger went against the smaller ones..I’m not sure. The 2 left are fine though and seem to hang around with the tetras 😂
But loving the descriptions you give on fish and details about them. Learnt a lot ❤


I have to partially disagree on zebra danios and white clouds for 2 main reasons. Firstly the minnows naturally hover in place at night which is a really cool behaviour, but the danios will prevent that. Second, the minnows will breed quite successfully with no intervention if they're kept species only.

It's not a bad combo, but you can get way more out of your white clouds if you leave the zebras at the store.


I keep African dwarf frogs in my 10 gallon tank. They’re really cute!


Neon tetra in a 10? Heck, I've got them in my 55. I absolutely love a giant group of them together and a little gourami in there to make them school up a bit


“You wanna move out of your mom’s house and act like a big boy, right?”

I was laughing so hard I spit out my morning coffee! Thank you! As a guy with 5 nano tanks, I appreciate your support! lol!


How about a video about white cloud mountain minnows and what fish make good tank mates for them.


Sunset honey gouramis and green neon tetras all the way! I literally can't get bored of the colour combination


Thanks guys for all your tips and insight. You got me back into the aquarium hobby and loving my 10gal full of Tetras and Molly's
