Areca Palm Tree |

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Everything you need to know about Areca Palm Trees.

Areca Palms boldly go farther up North than any other palms have before because they thrive in pots and low light conditions. If you live outside of the Areca Palm’s recommended growing zones, you can simply plant them in containers and bring them indoors during the colder months.

Common Questions About Areca Palm Trees
▶ Is areca palm a good indoor plant?
▶ Can areca palm take full sun?
▶ How do you care for an areca palm tree?


Hi it's Meredith and this is the areca palm, or you might pronounce it ah-ree-ka, whatever you pronounce it or however you say it it's a wonderful tree to have.

It has this natural, vase-like appearance so unlike a palm with its one trunk and then kind of the fluff on top this one has a clumping base, so multiple stems coming out and just a beautiful.

It can get quite large but a beautiful shrub in your yard or if you live in a colder place you can also have this as a container plant.

It does fantastic as long as it has very well draining soil.

It does not like sitting in water but it really can add a lot of vibrance to your home or your yard and just all around great plant to have.
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Hi I got mine on amazon along with pease lily and calathea elgergrass and I'm only having an issue with 1branch on the areca palm the leafs have curled up and are real crispy like couldn't get any crisper I'm new to plants so don't have a clue what I'm doing wrong and would appreciate your advice?
