I Simulate WW3 Using the World's Most Advanced AI... (Chat GPT)

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Even the AI is still suspicious of Germany starting WW3


As someone who tried out ChatGPT for the first time just yesterday, it's incredible how interesting and useful it can actually be for you both in your work schedule and during your free time.


ChatGPT: Russia loses, India I'm like what kind of propaganda have they trained this AI with?


Yeah, I think it's safe to say that we want a series out of this.


In French, ChatGPT sounds likes Tchat"j'ai pété", which literally means "Chat, I farted"


Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan are chilling in the middle of the new China. That's the real flex.


Please do more Chatgpt simulation. Their scenario is very interseting.


The fact that germany attaked in 2039 is very SUS


I love how an AI that doesn’t have opinions always says, “It’s important to note”.


So that's why the servers were moving extremely slowly today. Thanks, Drew.


This is amazing, I would love to see more of this chat thing.


Can you put the prompt in the description?

edit: i typed the hole prompt with the help of 00:29 where the hole prompt is shown


Today you are going to simulate a battle-royale for the world, starting from the year 2023. if the given region is a singular country, then all of that country's states/provinces become independent and fight each other, if it is a region, then only the countries fighting within that region may participate. Every time you respond, you will respond with the next year, and the events that took place that year. These events should not reflect real world events unless by chance. The only events that can happen is a: War, Alliance, or Pact. If a war takes place, you must give the war a name, say what countries/states/alliance are involved, and the result of the war. Alliances that haven't been established can't participate in the war. The result must be given the same the event takes place, and one side must win completely. It can not be a draw. Also say how much of the losing country is annexed(either half, or entire). If a country is completely annexed, it is out of the Battle Royale, if a country is only annexed half-way, it can countinue. If a country is annexed, say eactly what state/states gets that territory. If an alliance takes place, you must give the Alliance a name and say what countries/states are involved. If a Pact takes place, you must say so and say what countries/states/alliances it is between. Not all of these events should happen every year, only some of them randomly. Ask me after each if i'm ready for the next one, or whether i want information on any of the specifc events.


Here is the prompt.
Today you are going to simulate a battle-royale for the world, starting from the year 2023. If the given region is a singular country, then all of that country's states/provinces become independent and fight each other. If it is a region, then only the countries fighting within that region may participate. Every time you respond, you will respond with the next year, and the events that took place that year. These events should not reflect real world events unless by chance. The only events that can happen is a war, alliance, or pact. If a war happens, you must give war a name, say what countries/states/alliances are involved, and the result of the war. Alliances that haven't been established can't participate in the war. The result must be given the same year the event takes place, and 1 side must win completely. It cannot be a draw. Also say how much of the losing country is annexed(either half, or entire). If a country is entirely annexed, it is out of the battle royale, if a state is annexed half-way, it can continue. If a country is annexed, say exactly what state/states gets that territory. If an alliance takes place, you must give the alliance a name and what countries/states are involved. If a pact takes place, you must say so and what countries/states/alliances it is between. Not all of these should happen, only some of them randomly. Ask me each year if I'm ready for the next one, or whether I want information on any specific events.


Drew always finds something else to try.


I love how he actually remembers the events that happened in the start and keeps track of them😮


Yes! More AI videos!
Been waiting for this!


As a student, it should be criminal that schools ban a robot, you gotta go with your time


He actually showed the entire prompt in his video, so I wrote it down, there might be some mistakes, so if find some tell me, so here is the prompt:

Today you are going to simulate a battle-royal for the world,
starting from the year 2023.
If the given region is a singular country, then all of that country's
states/provinces become independent and fight each other, if it is a region,
then only countries fighting within that region may participate.
Every time you respond, you will respond with the next year,
and the events that took place that year.
These events should not reflect real world events unless by chance.
The only events that can happen is a:War, Alliance, or a Pact.
If a war takes place you must give the war a name, say what
countries/states/alliances are involved and the result of the war.
Allainces that haven't been established can't particapate in the war.
The results must be given the same year the event takes place,
and one side must win compleatly. It can not be a draw.
Also say how much of the country is annexed(either half, or entire).
If a country is completely annexed, it is out of the Battle Royale,
if a country is only annexed half way, it can continue. If a country is annexed,
say exactly what state/states gets that territory.
If an alliance takes place, you must give the Alliance a name and say
what countries/states are involved. If a Pact takes place,
you must say so and say what countries/states/alliances is is beetween.
Not all of these events should happen every year, only some of them randomly.
Ask me after each year if I'm ready for the next one,
or whether I want information on any specific events.


"Suddenly, Germany conquered all of West and Northern Europe"


I think It is highly unlikely that it would play out this way. For several reasons
