Will Inference-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (I-CBT) Shake Up the OCD Treatment World?

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Inference-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (I-CBT) is a therapy for OCD that, while having been practiced for some time in Europe and Canada, is just starting to get more attention from practitioners, researchers, and those living with OCD in the U.S. This video looks at some of the ways this approach differs from ERP and ACT, which are the current most researched and utilized treatments in the U.S. If you like what you see, be sure to like and subscribe.

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I’m an ocd survivor and deep diver into the research I strongly believe ICBT is not another OCD treatment its a revolution. Inferential confusion is the core of OCD. If you resolve it whole disorder falls down.


Thank you for this video. I feel like my OCD definitely started with intrusive thoughts but now it has evolved into a more convincing belief thing. I found I-CBT today and have been researching it every chance I got and it seems hopeful!


I had CBT therapy at start of CBT treatment in the late 80's/early 90's with Dr. Michael Kozak & Dr. Edna Foa. They did something similar with me (as a child), but called it "Reality Testing." It was a key part of my treatment & I still use it 30 years later!


Hi Michael. Because of the controversy I had to come up with my own therapy, which I call ARP-allowance and response prevention instead of erp. The exposure is already built into the obsession and there’s no need to do exposures on purpose. Doing exposures on purpose gives value to the obsessions and can make it worse, and it changes themes too often. Then I do the response prevention which is not doing the physical or mental compulsions. This has helped me a lot.


Is I-CBT effective for treating sensorimotor OCD (blinking mainly) as well as cognitive hyperawareness OCD? I'm just discovering your videos and I'm enjoying them. Thank you!


Do you think you could do a video on ROCD treatment under the I-CBT model?


Wow!!!! I have ocd and have until now been doing ERP with my therapist (helping too!!). But this sound so cool!!


Hi Sire, Thanks for the video. Does it works for sexual and religious ocd aswell ? If its how, do you recommend any demo videos done on different cases of ocd


My psychologist has told me to target the obsessions, not the compulsions. Though this may sound different from others like ERP, I find this helpful. he doesn't do the usual CBT approach that's rationalizing the thoughts. He does help me make sense as to why I have certain intrusions. Violent thoughts could be anger. Suppressed or unexpressed anger. At least for me this makes sense.


when we initially practise ICBT i.e basically it says we have to focus on trusting the logic or truth but not our fears or ego dystonic thoughts.
But these logic doesnt come as intensively as fears and doubts keep on building up throwing different logics of possibilities. But I found repeatedly just reminding the rationality and OCD as a disorder within a glimpse of the moment , it slowly helped me eventually on most of the things, initially it sounds like compulsion but later reinforcing truth is not bad either .
But some obsessions and some amount of compulsions still bothers, and mainly Ruminations . Do we have any series of videos or practitioner who is well versed and give one to one sessions on this


Hi brother, thanks for the video. I'm from Brazil and we don't have any I-CBT therapits here. Can you help me with my OCD? And, who knowks, maybe it can be a door to I-CBT grow here.


The problem with telling people with OCD to trust their senses is that it’s possible for senses to deceive you (cf. optical illusion). People have a love-hate relationship with their OCD. OCD is causing them some distress, but it may bring them the relief they’re desperately seeking. Who knows? How can you be sure? Here lies the problem for highly suspicious minds. I-CBT may be helpful, but in my opinion, you cannot do without ERP to stop ritualizing, be willing to take reasonable risks and thus for doubts to lose some of their disturbing capacity.


I've done CBT and it helped for a short time perhaps such needs to be done for at least 3 to months. I was having 5 major OCDs one is I hated people using saliva to open bags at supermarket counters that made me wash each item I bought before I store them. My bigger OCD is necro phobeia since I was a kid and that became slowly and steadily worse in my 20s to 30s. Issue is anxiety of contaminated after seing a formal dead body gathering on TV or on social media or actual life. Compulsion is not doing anything useful or new on that day I saw such or heard words of such, immediately deleting such from computer t avoid contamination. Root cause of OCD is over-reactive amygdala due to childhood complex trauma due to poor parenting/neglect which makes the kid sensitive. This has extremely less t do with genetics.


Thank you for these videos but the volume on them is bad!


So this method involves leaving things uncertain and giving up control, which forms a big part of ERP, the long-standing gold standard treatment for OCD. This is nothing new, it's simply a small part of the current evidenced way of working with this condition.


Sorry but ocd is a feeling problem. In my experience, no treatment removes the feeling of contamination.
