Traefik: A Scalable and Highly Available Edge Router by Damien Duportalt

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This talk will introduce Traefik the open source reverse-proxy/load-balancer which can be used as an Ingress Controller in your container infrastructure. Traefik can interface to backends such as Kubernetes, Docker, Mesos, Consul allowing to dynamically update the routing configuration without service loss.

We will look at what is a reverse-proxy, an Ingress Controller and Traefik, a state of the art reverse-proxy. We will dig even deeper and show how we made Traefik distributed, scalable and fault tolerant.

Demonstration of the use of Traefik as scalable Ingress Controller on Kubernetes.

Damien Duportal
From @containous
Træfik's Developer Advocate @ Containous && Freelancer. Former Training Engineer @ CloudBees. Docker mentor. Human stack focused. Rock climber. Passionated. Talk to me !
Рекомендации по теме

Just a heads up, this talk covers traefik v1, you should be using v2 now but it has a lot of breaking changes so half the config shown in this talk like with frontends and backends don't apply anymore.


Excellent, glad I saw it before reading lots of documentation.


I guess this special project is Traefik Enterprise Edition (TraefikEE) :


Great presentation.
Man, you are chewing the mic, so next time please have some distance between mic and mouth.
