Torts: Intentional Torts — Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress (IIED)

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Torts: Intentional Torts — Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress (IIED)

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Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted


Very good explanation of this tort. Much more detailed than any other video I've seen on this subject. Thanks!


Fantastic information! And not in law school, just a law nerd


My roommate of 11 years now had to take someone to court twice. One was to collect the money he was owed and second was for damages because of non-payment of the court order. The person that my roommate sued has some of his assets taken and sold to pay my roommate. Now that the local court should have paid my roommate within 30 to 60 days, right? No. It has been over 5 months that the court is still sitting on my roommate settlement and now the tort has come in effect to the clerk for recklessness and breach of duty. The damages are causing my roommate more unnecessary physical and emotional pain because he has dental problems. Because of covid, this problem of his been going on for 5 years. This problem now is being heard to the state and I pray for a quick resolution for him.


Brilliantly put.thanks so much have things going on at work.were they've addmitted they got it wrong. 😊


I am 67 years old cancer and blood clot survivor. My neighbor filed a false police report because he was mad that I put a fence entirely on my property, and I got 3 misdemeanor criminal charges. I was petrified and could not sleep or eat for 2 months until the charges were dropped for lack of probable cause. Would this qualify as IIED? Thank you


😢 emotional and abuse and distress... such as someone in a romantic partnership with a person who knows that his younger partner who is a fan of his music as a producer. He is a figure known in the music community that they met... and that younger partner has CPTSD from IPV histories with ex partners. A man who inflicts narcissistic abuse which involves impulsive retaliating and abusive language and behaviors, stonewalling, etc. This behavior continuing, fully acknowledged and aware by the abuser, but continued nonetheless over 1.5 years, repeating with no true remorse, amends, or proper apology. It seems extreme to me.. especially if the younger female partner now has repeated visits with psychologists, psychiatrists and therapusts to deal with what has been explained as being Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder and Post Betrayal Trauma...


My nephew's mom pulled a gun on him and pointed it at his head while screaming at him. She was arrested and charged with two felony counts. However I think my nephew should sue her for IIED in civil court as well. We are in the process of finding an attorney to take this on. I would assume, given the nature of the offense, a civil case of IIED would work??


Greetings, we had a house fire on April 2 2022 n it’s obvious where the fire started by notation of mitigation team n contractor, but insurance adjuster not didn’t come the first or 2 nd week, even told me she couldn’t talk to me because I wasn’t on policy, n even after deed n Policy was sent to her corporate office, showing that was in fact on the policy..she didn’t extend my accommodations at hotel, 2 was later bought out n investigator n now saying the fire started in fireplace which hasn’t been on since last year. I suffer from ptsd and this has aggravated all of my symptoms..I can’t sleep.I’m exhausted due to the stress, do I have a case of IIED? Claim has gone unpaid house is a mess, Fire damage to fire n other’s going on 6 weeks!


These videos I believe are in preparation to take the bar exam. They are for study purposes only and not legal advice.


I bet you have not heard this negligent infliction of emotional distress example before. Years back a FBI Agent told me my ex-boyfriend was "shady, " and he transfered the case to the terrorism unit. I was like WHAT?! Uh, hey Agent seriously? What about me and my kid? Remember he is trying to take my kid to Iran! Months after that another FBI Agent calls me, this time a Senior Special Agent and he told me he arrested my ex-boyfriend and that he would not be there for family court in another state in the morning. When him and a Detective came over later I was like (WTF), "you guys really think he is a terrorist?" (Like Seriously?OMG?!🤐😮😱)Thanks for the video. It is helping me with my case. You are very entertaining too!


This guys - encino hospital employee telling while I’m coming out of the ict scan “oh you are going to be very sick 🤢 😷 very soon” after having injected the supposed substance for the scan to look inside my body whatever it’s been an ongoing battle


I need some help about a case for emotional distress against the landlord I have a good case and had going through some emotional distress I guarantee you I have all the information you can please help can someone help me


Say you call 911 needing a police report for your case, and they come but don't fill out a report with you or call you back and follow up like they said they would do even after you call back. Higher branches of government also have knowledge of your case and haven't followed up on that either.


Can I sue Texas for intentional emotional distress?


Would my neighbor intentionally making loud noises in retaliation to my normal living noises count? They know I have ptsd/adhd. They intentionally trigger me to the breaking point. I've begged them to stop only to have the door slammed in my face.


Are you saying that the courts/judge when imputing someone without fact is not intent emotional etc? We think without consent a judge should be liable?


My daughter died age 25. The police called my ex. first. She said there was no way to contact me which is a provable lie. My ex signed a doc at the funeral home that she tried to contact me. She has possession of the ashes. My side of the family did not find out about the death until a month and half after the death via anonymous text. She refuses to give my side of the family half the ashes. This has devastated my side of the family. Ex has an adjudicated history of blocking me from all info regarding our kids during our divorce. And is an adjudicated perpetrator of Parental Alienation. This is IIED, right?


I've heard of the invasion of privacy in motel room what would be the penalty if someone had a camera on you not only could they see you at all times nude and all but you could hear their threats how would I prove such a thing who would I go to


So at 11:38 when talking about vulnerable classes of people, why aren’t people of certain class status & race not included? Wouldn’t we today say Asian Americans are in a vulnerable position since the Covid pandemic? Many Americans were made to hate and kill ananda w/ the fear of them starting the virus. Jewish people too? What about black people w/ things like the klan and other hate groups still existing?
I understand the original 3 classes of people he stated, but I think there should be a major reconstruction on who counts towards those groups. Or at least acknowledge that there may be times certain groups of people will and should be added to that list during certain periods of time.
Idk just a thought
