EP 1 | An Overview of the Book of Revelation | Through the Book of Revelation with Dr. Jimmy DeYoung

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In "The John Ankerberg Show Presents Through the Book of Revelation with Dr. Jimmy DeYoung", Program 1- Dr. Jimmy DeYoung gives a complete overview of the entire book of Revelation in a single program.
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I am blessed to learn the book of Revelation in one sitting, God bless you. Thank you Jesus Christ you are my Lord & saviour.


No comments in a year, has the rapture come and Seriously though, i wish more people would watch these videos more than once, you can always learn something that you may have missed in prior


Thank you for this teaching. God bless you you all! Greetings from Brazil.


Thank you for this upload! I will share this! Very exciting!


Always for the Glory of the Lord our God, our Holy Father, His beloved Son Jesus Christ, and our comforter the Holy Ghost, Amen..
Thank you for the video, but I just wanted to add something.. I know what you meant, but it's not x-ray vision the Lord has, it's His Omnipresence...but very informative video ty..
But remember always, trust and Love our Father and Savior Jesus Christ, and He will bring you thru everything!
God bless you all..

Jeremiah 23:24

"Can a man hide himself in hiding places So I do not see him?" declares the LORD "Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?" declares the LORD.

Proverbs 15:3

The eyes of the LORD are in every place, Watching the evil and the good.


returning within 40 years is a comfortable and safe most American Christians.


My opinion, but I think most people have missed one chapter. Genesis 6. I believe that the key to the whole Bible comes the second incursion of evil. Mixing seeds.


Exceptional work from Dr DeYoung with much details...For clarification, Dr deYoung NEVER mentioned anything about the mark of the beast...sorry Marcie, you obviously didn’t watch the same video the rest of us watched or you must be mixing this up with something else. I pray you don’t have any altering motives. Everything we do is for Jesus’ Glory, Hallelujah!


Brother, that's not an overview of the Book of Revelation, it's an overview of fundamental Baptist escatology (which are not necessarily the same thing).


When does the rapture take place before the 7 year tribulation or after, and where does the book of revelation tell about it?


Please How Many Christian & Churches
Are Apart Of Or Invested in Super Computers
And Pharma.


How can I have the transcription of this video so I can study carefully, cause English is not my first language. Thank you very much!


Can someone explain to me why it's a pre-trib rapture and how we come to that conclusion?


You people have no idea what you are talking about, may GOD open your eyes I pray


Please The Old Testaments And Orginally The New Testaments Our Savior Christ Emanuel Our Father ‘s Son His Mother And Disciples called Him Yeshua. Why John and Jim do you not Have Facts On this His Name ?”
“ Our Father And Holy Spirit did not call his Son’s Name Jesus “ . Please Truths!”


DeYoung is wrong on end times.

Read Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 and Revelation 6 side by side - the timing and events is precisely the same in each chapter.

Sun and moon go dark, stars fall from the sky, famine etc. Christ appears on a cloud, the rapture takes place.

Also read 2 Thessalonians 2:

2 Thessalonians 2:3
Let no man deceive you by any means: for THAT DAY (return of Christ) shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

Jesus will not return and rapture the saved until AFTER the antichrist has revealed himself.

Watch - After the Tribulation

To understand the Book of Revelation one has to split the book in half. Chapters 4-11 is the story told one way and Chapters 13-22 is the same events told differently.

Chapter 1-3 is the prologue while Chapter 12 is the story of Jesus’ birth and flight into Egypt because the devil had Herod kill all babies.

Gods covenant with Israel was CONDITIONAL on the Jews being OBEDIENT (note IF). They weren’t obedient, they rejected the prophets that God sent them, they rejected and killed Jesus.

Compare Exodus 19:5-7 and 1 Peter 2:9-10. In the bible we have physical Jews and Israel and spiritual Jews and Israel. Romans 2:28-29 tells us that a Jew is a saved Christian. It’s not complicated.

Exodus 19:5-7 (KJV)
5 Now therefore, IF ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, THEN ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:
6 And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.
7 And Moses came and called for the elders of the people, and laid before their faces all these words which the Lord commanded him.

Exodus 24:7-8
7 And he took the book of the covenant, and read in the audience of the people: and they said, All that the Lord hath said will we do, and be obedient.
8 And Moses took the blood, and sprinkled it on the people, and said, Behold the blood of the covenant, which the Lord hath made with you concerning all these words.

1 Peter 2:9-10
9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;
10 Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

We eat pork and shellfish because when The Pharisees asked Jesus why his disciples were eating without washing their hands - Jesus replied by saying that what we put into our mouths does not define but rather what comes out of our mouths defiles us. Same for the clothing ordinances and the sabbath, they were specifically done away with. If the NT specifically does away with an OT ordinance then we drop the OT ordinance but if it doesn’t do away with it then we keep it.

Dispensationalism is a false doctrine. Galatians 3 tells us that Jesus is Abraham’s seed (singular) and that if you follow Christ you are the heir of the promise made to Abraham. Again, not complicated, just read the bible.


(Part 1)

I like Jimmy DeYoung, but he is clearly wrong on some key end-times teachings. Specifically, his belief that some can take the Mark of the Beast (MoB) and somehow still be redeemed (He doesn't say this in this video but in previous public statements). Scripture is clear: those who take the MoB will be eternally condemned. Revelation 20:4 & Revelation 14:9-11. Also, the seals are not judgments per se but the Revelation itself.

My personal abridged understanding of Revelation, may it be a blessing to you:

Chapters 1 - 3: Jesus addresses the Church, the redeemed body of Christ, from the first to the last believer. I believe these seven churches have a threefold meaning. It addresses the actual seven churches that were situated in Asia Minor, it also addresses the dispensational ages of the Church, and lastly, it addresses the individual Church (each individual Christian).

Chapter 4 seems to display the end of the Church Age and the beginning of the seven-year tribulation. At the same time, it also shows our corporate worship of God in heaven, represented by the 24 elders (12 tribes of Israel & 12 Apostles of the Church). The "Come up here' statement is likely a foreshadowing of the pre-tribulation Rapture of the Church (Revelation 4:1).

Chapter 5: Opening of the revelation scroll by the Lamb Jesus Christ. Notice the Triunity of God is displayed; every created thing worships Jesus, showing that He is not made as JW falsely teaches, while He is on the throne being praised and [glorified]. Only God is to be worshipped, as stated by the Holy Angel (Revelation 19:10). The scroll itself is the Revelation of God to His Church; it's not a series of seven judgments, which for some reason seems to be taught.

Chapter 6: The first 6 seals are opened, showing a quick overview of the tribulation period.

(Seal 1): Rise of a global false peace (likely the Antichrist).

(Seal 2): Global war will quickly follow the coming of this false messiah, the Antichrist.

(Seal 3): Worldwide famine will occur as a result of the global war. Food and resources will become scarce and costly (notice the pair of scales).

(Seal 4): Mass human death on a global scale will result from war, famine, and disease.

(Seal 5): The Global persecution of all Tribulations Saints (those who will accept Jesus during the tribulation period, Revelation 7:9-17). Many Christians suffer persecution already, but this will be on a completely different level. A clear distinction is made between pre-Tribulation Bride and Tribulation Saints. (Trib Saints: Revelation 7:9-17 & Revelation 20:4-6. Bride of Christ: Revelation 1 -3 & 19:7-9).

(Seal 6): Either singular or a combination event, it appears to indicate a global nuclear weapons attack and/or a global meteorite event. Either way, the massive death and destruction will be unfathomable.

Chapter 7 Starts by showing a judgment of no wind upon the Earth. No wind means no rain or atmosphere cleaning from the seal 6 judgment (The smoke and fallout material will remain stagnant over the Earth). Chapter 7 also introduces us to God's divinely inspired tribulation ambassadors, the 144, 000 Jewish converts to Jesus Christ. This suggests the pre-trib Christians are no longer on planet Earth. Otherwise, we would be His earthly ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:17-21). We are also told of this unique group, referred to as [those] who come out of the great tribulation (aka- Tribulation Saints). This distinction from the Bride is significant and should not be dismissed, as some pre-wrath and post-tribulationists like to do.

Chapter 8: The final seal of the Revelation is opened. A pause takes place, followed by all of the remaining Revelation beginning with an Angle of God throwing fire from God's altar, a judgment of God upon the Earth. The significance of this is God's wrath comes [before] the first trumpet is blown, which defeats the last trumpet pre-wrath crowd. It's in this chapter we see the 7 trumpet judgments of God.

(Trumpet 1): It shows a massive meteorite or nuclear weapon striking the Earth. 1/3 of the planet is destroyed, and [all] the grass of the Earth.

(Trumpet 2): I believe this giant asteroid impact affects 1/3 of the oceans.

(Trumpet 3): 1/3 of all the freshwater rivers will also be polluted, likely from the first trumpet judgment.

(Trumpet 4): The sun and moon are blocked out by the massive impacts, and since there is no wind (Revelation 7:1), the smoke and debris will remain to blot out the light; both day and night, man will be in darkness for some time. It's a vital testament that without God and Jesus Christ, humanity continually lives in darkness. The judgment is a display of this fact.

Chapter 9: I'll start with this chapter in part 2 posting.


Such a wrong teaching of the book of Revelation, no wonder nobody will touch on the significance of the temple, Jesus in Mathew 24 was referring to the 2nd temple so did Paul in Thessalonians and they both claimed that the abomination of desolation should be in that temple before these things happen and it can't be the 3rd temple as the 3rd temple won't be ordained as the final sacrifice was made by Jesus, so even if you replicate the Temple it would still not be considered God's temple unless you do a sacrifice that is accepted however Hebrews 10 teaches that this will never happen again, so it is either the gospel is false or the book of Revelations was fulfilled in 70AD, now it's just chapter 20 onward that is left to happen. Sorry you all got it wrong, the rapture is not even biblical as 1 Thessalonians 4 mirrors what will happen after the 1000 years


Dr. Jimmy DeYoung believes if you take the “mark of the beast” during the 7 year tribulation you won’t go to hell?!?!
Revelation 14:9-11
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