Space Weather News | A Filament Sandwiched by Sunspots 03.20.2019

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UPDATE: Part of the filament I talk about did erupt after I posted this video! We could have a part-Earth directed solar storm coming by the end of this week! Check my twitter feed for the latest on arrival time!

Original Video Description:
This week we are coming down from a solar storm from some fast solar wind, but that doesn't mean the fun is over! We have two fast-growing sunspots on the Earth-facing Sun and they are sandwiching a filament that is growing more unstable by the day. If this filament erupts within the next day or so, we could have an Earth-directed solar storm! We are keeping a close watch on this to be sure. Also, one of the new sunspots may be showing signs of an influence of solar cycle 25. Just like the previous rogue sunspot we saw a few weeks ago, this new region has a dominant magnetic signature that runs north-south instead of east-west. Its too early to tell what the final polarity of this region will be, but if it continues this way, it will be yet another signal that solar cycle 25 is closer than we think! Learn the details of this filament sandwich, get the scoop on the two new sunspots that may cause its launch, and see what else our Sun has in store for us this week!

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Definition of Geomagnetic Storm, Radiation Storm, and Radio Blackout Levels:

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Since this originally aired, sunspot group 2736 formed and asked us to say hello to it's little friend: A CME due to impact Earth in the next 36 hours.

Kudos for being on top of this,

Edit: I don't know how much of a pain it might be for you, but it would be great if you could put out some quick-take followups when events like this happen. I know I would love to hear your perspective on CMEs and solar storms in-progress. It's one of the reasons I have the notification bell activated for your channel. In any event, thanks for your


Dear Tamitha, You prediction was 100% right and the active region finally released a CME, which probably is going to hit the Earth around the 23th of March! You rocks, thanks for Your great work!


I just love your excitement giving you excellent presentation. Thanks for the analysis.


In H-alpha, I don't see any long filament currently running between the two active regions. I see a smaller triangular quiescent at about 20 degrees north, well north of ACTIVE REGION 2735, but there is little between the two regions. AR 2736 (old cycle, not new) has developed rapidly and currently is the most active on the front side (put up a C4 flare at 1118 UT). It does show very bright H-alpha plage in an elongated oval form and about 8 individual sunspots within its borders, but the other active region (AR 2735) only shows two spots in it along with only two adjacent areas of weak plage and a tiny active region filament on its leading edge. Again, note that the leading large bright active region is AR 2736, not 2735.


No I think not solar cycle 25 will first start late 2019, and I predict it to be lower than cycle 24.


My wife says she loves your choice of clothes. Great update, thanks! I used to work for Mr. Davidson of Spaceweathernews and as a whistle blower was censored by Davidson on his channel after exposing his scam. I love how your reports are simple and focused. Some people think they can do Spaceweather and all these other wild topics and do it perfectly without missing a day. But in truth Ben has missed days so when he says he has been there everyday, well that is a lie and when he says he never screws up Spaceweather, well he does all the time just like the other day in the news he claimed the CME would arrive right after the news. When I pointed this out he blocked all the black people from commenting on his channel just because I’m black! Frank Black, skin the color of bark, clothes smell trees! I am thankful for a down to earth solar update without all the marketing and branding of a cult that comes with the observer movement.


Big jump in Solar Flux this past week but shortwave reception is still been poor? Strange.


Moon news is cool... (is the wind always the same there..?)
I did a Wind Map @ 500 hPa for part of the last storm (N America) that looked like wind streams & cyclones were sliced
I watch with Keni, AK... & Mt. Shasta as anchor points-> when I see a pattern I make a map


Very good and interesting information, Thank you for taking the time to give relevant and accurate information that is hard to find!


Just a frenchy discovering your channel. Really interesting, thanks and keep going :)


My wife's cat is extremely pregnant, I thought it would be cool if she had the kitties on full moon. But, it didn't happen. That throws that superstitious idea out the window. Thanks for the reports Doc...


The Grand Solar Flash is here! finally. Ride the wave of Love and Light. 4 density? here i come.


Wow, you really are going all out, love how you’ve expanded your report.
In a league of your own Tamitha


Just wondering what the sun would look like from Earth if most of its visible face shows a coronal hole.


Very attractive spring attire😁 ( just had to say it ) kuddos Dr. Skov


Were u a real earth weather girl before you became a space weather girl???


Thank you Dr Skove verry informative thanks


thank you once again, will be keeping an eye on propagation 😁


Great report as always, thanks Tamitha.


Blue sky is seen after solar hellogen.
