Buddhism: The Religion of No-Religion by Alan Watts (Mahayana Zen Buddhist teachings) AUDIOBOOK

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"Although Alan Watts' famous voice and happy laughter are missing now, his penetrating vision of Buddhism remains, and his lectures become brilliant prose in book form." --Publishers Weekly

Buddhism: The Religion of No-Religion presents six powerful essays by Alan Watts, the guru for an entire generation of 20th century thinkers, writers and poets. Watts was an engaging speaker and an icon of America's Beat and Counterculture movements. His friends included Aldous Huxley, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, John Cage and Joseph Campbell.

In this book, Watts explores all aspects of Buddhism--from its roots in ancient India to the explosion of interest in Zen and Tibetan Buddhist thought in the West.

The fascinating topics covered in this book include:

Finding a Middle Way: How a spiritual path to awakening is formed not just by avoiding extreme indulgence but extreme denial as well The Religion of No-Religion: How Buddhism eschews any particular dogma and instead acts as a guide to understanding oneself Buddhism as Dialogue: How Zen teaches us that we are one with the world and so as we learn to navigate the world, we must also learn about ourselves
Watts traces the early beginnings of Buddhism, outlines the differences between Buddhism and other religions, and reviews the Four Noble Truths and The Eightfold Path. Buddhism: The Religion of No-Religion is a valuable reminder of the peace to be found by looking inward


May all sentient beings benefit
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Love the visual, and this is such a great consolidated and comprehensive piece of Alan’s best early work


5 hours of Alan Watts...20-30 minutes at a time


Thankyou for this. I love Alan and have listened to nearly every broadcast. This is such a great collection and beautifully composed drones to accompany. I very much needed this so again thankyou 🙏🏽


Wow, this is the best teaching on Buddhism for beginners like me. Thank you. 🪷🌹🫒✨🙏


Excellent! I have the hardcover book published by TUTTLE to read along with this.


Zen reminds me of (all truly spiritual people I have lived amongst) the Old Order Amish for me.


Thank you! As someone who knows relatively little (lol story of my life) I was looking for something like this!


some peoples rewards are not in this life but the next.


3:40 wheel of life and death. important to buddhism


These facts are well and good, but the Original Buddha Doctrine is far more advanced than what is portrayed!
It is at a much higher level of intellect.

The Original Buddha Doctrine is different from many
" Hindu/Jain" derived concepts, that are being spread all over the world, by people who have not entered the Path. That is why the Buddha reiterated that one should teach only after entering the Path. DUKA is suffering, DHUKKA is the sequence of events that constitute a thought, cessation of which opens the door to the Path. The Doctrine was about opening the door to the Path and seeking the contentment and Happiness of Nibbana. Many authors have it wrong.
The Buddha spoke of ANATTA, which is basic in His Doctrine. It means NO SOUL. No me. No I. Which means there is NO person, except the senses - from smell. Sight. Hearing. Taste. Touch, Mind and memory.
In the Dev DAHA Sutta, He Categorically states " If anyone says that, what one endures is a consequence of previous actions " that NOT the Buddha Doctrine, but is Niganta (Hindu) doctrine. VERY CLEAR.
—The Buddha-

Bhawa means one thought. PUNAR Bhawa means the next new thought. Therefore it is the thought that follows one after the other.
Therefore it is obvious that there is no me/l/ person to be reborn.
“ Bhawa niridho nibbanam “ means eradication of the thought process, is the key to enter the Path to nibbana.
The thoughts follow in a sequence and there is no KAMMA as described by the Hindu/ Jain faith, where there is reward on one hand and punishment or damnation on the other, as is the case in Christianity. This concept of damnation is questionable and will last with intellectual dialogue.
The Original Buddha Doctrine, before it was mixed with the Hindu faith, is Supra-mundane and Supra-cortical. Even the concept of Anicca and Anatta is at the level of Quantum mechanics and sub-atomic particles. When a body or any object is dissected to the last of the material form, it is correctly called Dhamma after which it is a non-material aspect and no form called “ information “.
On the contrary, Buddha’s Teachings are correctly called “ Buddha Doctrine “ or Buddha wachanaya or the Buddha’s Teaching.
One has to stop the process of Bhawa and Punar Bhawa to enter the Path through Pragna and subsequently reach the stage of Dhamma. Thereafter one sees Buddha and Nibbana.
Difficult to fathom, but it is a process believed to follow as steps automatically, after stopping the thought process, through relentless effort.
The Buddha spent 6 long years doing meditation and found it to be futile, where he collapsed many times due to starvation and extreme emaciation. He realized that nutrition was important for all mental and physical activities. Thereafter he left the 5 colleagues and did the reverse of meditation, which was not concentrating or being mindful of any thoughts. He left the world of being in the mind and entered the Path. That must be obvious to any intelligent person, as the incessant7 mental activity is the enemy to the Path of Nibbana.
Not these mundane false concepts such as rebirth of the person.
Do your research and enter the Path, through " Cheto VIMUKTHI" which one could follow, listening to Dr. Gamini Abhaya MD. FRCP Consultant Physician/Cardiologist with NO fee, through Denageneemen Nivanata via the Internet. Until one enters the Path to Nibbana, by entering the first stage ( Sowahn) it is incorrect to teach or preach, which is like BLIND LEADING THE BLIND.
About time people used their own intellect without believing hearsay.


I don’t agree with the notion that Buddhism is Hinduism repurposed for export. Buddhism is very different than Hinduism. The Buddha critiques and contradicts many aspects of Vedanta and Brahmanism


Lopez Maria Johnson Barbara Garcia Kenneth


Hall Shirley Lewis Steven Walker Jeffrey


Oya-ah, at least cylindrical it is then 🤷🏻🤷🏻


Martin Brenda Taylor Charles Hall Nancy


Alan watts is everywhere...p😊
Say high to Alan for me 🤪.
How nice to have a god thatsa joker .... get straight 🤑


Robinson Jessica Young Donald Rodriguez Jessica


Bro Buddhism has more gods than Christianity


Freeking ruined by the awful background music.
