Stefan Molyneux - There Is No Such Thing as Mental Illness

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As a therapist myself, I find this to be one of the best videos on our current psychiatry culture. Amazing work.


Stoked that you've got this posted still. This video was instrumental in my recovery from going through sertraline (SSRI) withdrawal. Molyneux is a saint. So are you. Thanks!


Thank you. I have been a victim of this system for 2 years, lost my child in custody, am being monitored by courts. I had so much trauma and they diagnosed me and I’m still fighting . Your video really helped me.


This classic Stefan videos are gold. I sure miss his channel on YouTube


The real crime is that 100% of the time so-called, supposed disorders such as depression, bi-polar disorder and my least favorite PTSD are assigned to people after 15 minute interviews in a so-called doctor's office! In other words it is all simply based on a survey. There is no actual clinical or even casual observation of a person's behavior. There are no blood tests or CAT scans. The whole thing is based on answering a few choice questions: 1) Do you sometimes feel sad? (answer yes and you are now suffering from depression); 2) Do you have one good day followed by one bad day? ( answer yes and you have bi-polar disorder); 3) Do you sometimes feel anxious? (answer yes and you have an anxiety disorder). And by the way you now have these disorders for life requiring at least one medication for each disorder, which require regular doctors' visits to be refilled. This way a so-called doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist or therapist has a money-generating patient for life and the psycho-pharma industry makes trillions of dollars each year convincing normal people they are mentally ill for life. This is the world we live in. It's that sick and cruel.


I’m 16 and they put me on Fluoxetine a couple of months ago for agoraphobia. They’re not doing anything. This isn’t normal, this isn’t correct.


I think there are a lot of ‘mentally ill’ people on disability who don’t like what Stephan has to say. They seem to totally miss his point. He’s not saying these people don’t have problems, or shouldn’t be sympathized with, but that the medical model is the wrong one for understanding these types of problems. One might not agree with that, but it’s not that complicated.


This is one of the best things I've ever heard anyone explain


So if the placebo cured 32% but the medication cured only 25% that would imply the medication was negatively effecting the placebo


I've told plenty of people that there's not sufficient evidence to support the 'chemical imbalance' idea, but all of them deny it saying that if there wasn't there wouldn't be psychiatry. (Belief in authority.)

The psychiatrists I've talked to say that they will find the evidence eventually.


I agree that since we are all mad in a mad world we shouldn't label people, that isn't civil. However, due to the harm the 'bad apples' do to society as a whole (not just serial killers or particular maniacs, politicians and the government), we must mark them to protect society. The big problem is who are the them and who are the judges. As I said before there are no perfect humans to judge the imperfect ones, therefore there is great danger of abuse. Since this is the case we must learn to live with the obviously ill yet also label them for particular ailments they surely have in order to threat them and avoid possible harm to society.
To make a statement like: There is no such thing as mental illness is irresponsible.
I think it's more like: There is no such thing as normal people.
Furthermore: We are all mentally ill more or less and labeling people using psychology is used maliciously by people to discriminate against other people.
Generally, mental illness is part of being human. The question is: Can I function in society productively like a good machine without harm to other people or myself?


This video is phenomenal. Very well done very well researched as well.


No one can measure "mentality" in a lab!!!


I cannot believe this has only 7000 views. Was it deleted at some point by pharma and re-uploaded? I should download this video. I took 1 Wellbutrin pill once and almost died. I was able to demand a perscription from the doctor. I begged him, I admit, but I was 24 and they should have stopped me.


any negative thought about yourself or anyone body else is
coming from the darkside their not your thoughts we so conditioned by the propaganda your negative your not enough
you to buy this do this you got to fit in these are not normal human characteristics we have just been brainwashed our soul is perfect its energy


We tolerate them to an acceptable degree and learn to live with them. People with severe mental illness, most of the time, are not aware of the harm they do, as if they were in a state of trance and don't recall. Psychopaths are somewhat aware of the harm they do as if watching from the side as they act violently. Either way, since they lack empathy (a mental fuse), they can't stop it, and let the film roll and move on as if nothing happened. Even if they totally spaced out psychopaths have good memory and can memorize the violent events and replay them at some point later on.


At the end you mention doing a video offering your opinions about what causes this suffering and anguish. Have you posted it yet? I wasn't able to find it on your channel.


He's mentioned in this very video and Stefan has had him on the


but what about the difference between the definition of illness and disease? Illness is communicated by complaint rather than physical symptoms meaning mental illness is by definition is real. Please tell me what your thoughts are on this.


Stefan I understand what you are saying or maybe I only think I do.
I also wanted to believe that mental illness is just the natural human state of defectiveness/imperfection of our brains, all of our brains.
The universe before the big bang or in its early stages was 'perfection' (maybe god reincarnates each time to get smarter or make smarter pets, since he is 'perfect' intelligence and knowledge) and the universe we see and know is expanding to the inevitable big crunch (like a spring perhaps) and is imperfection.
Like the mechanics in the physical world, in the human world we are currently just on a step of the ladder being imperfect humans and seeking (subconsciously) to evolve to super humans or whatever you would like to call the next step in our evolution if we even get there.
