Blue White Screening | Molecular Biology | Gene Cloning | Plasmid | Enzymes | Basic Science Series

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Blue White Screening | Molecular Biology | Gene Cloning | Plasmid | Enzymes | Basic Science Series

• In this episode, we will discuss in detail about blue-white screening method. This method is used to detect the success of gene cloning experiments in molecular biology. Systematically, I will explain about the blue white screening method and the mechanism associated with this method.

• Let me explain every component step by step. Every cell has DNA as its genetic material. DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid and made up of four nitrogenous bases called adenine guanine cytosine and thiamine. Adenine and thymine bind together with double bond whereas guanine and cytosine bind together with a triple bond. This bonding makes DNA a strong double standard biopolymer.

• Cells store all the information that is required for its function in DNA in the form of genes. Gene is a small part of DNA that can encode a protein. A protein is made up of amino acids and a three-letter DNA code is needed to make one amino acid. Finally, the functional proteins perform their daily work to ensure the proper working of the cell organelles.

• This is the chart showing the different codes of the DNA making particular amino acid. There are 20 amino acids and each amino acid has its specific code. For eg. TTT and TTC codes for phenylalanine. Here T means thymine and C means cytosine. It is truly fascinating that nature has chemical coding language, we will discuss this mechanism in our future episodes and you will be fascinated by how a cell works at the molecular level and how we have exploited this mechanism to helps human life.

• Gene can be of variable length depending on the size of the protein. Large proteins will have a large number of amino acids, therefore, will require a higher number of a codon in the DNA sequence. Hence, the size of that gene will be larger in terms of the number of nucleotides. Smaller proteins will have a small number of amino acids hence will also have a small number of a codon in the DNA sequence and the size of the gene will be smaller.

Now since you know about the basic concept about DNA which is a double standard biopolymer that stores information, a gene that is a part of DNA that encodes a functional protein and protein is composed of amino acids that perform a cellular function.

Okay now, Let's discuss the gene cloning technology. In simple words, a gene cloning is a technique when one gene is cut or copied using polymerases/ or restriction enzymes and pasted in another DNA sequence using ligase enzymes. In simple terms taking a small segment of DNA from one DNA strand and pasting in another DNA, the stand is gene cloning.

After performing the copy function of the gene, the same gene is pasted in the plasmids. The Plasmids are extracellular DNA molecules that can be used to transfer genetic information from one cell to another. Imagine a genetic material as CPU and plasmid as a pen drive. Where you can copy the gene and take the pen drive to another CPU. Now another CPU has the information from the first CPU.

Plasmids are circular DNA strands and made up of repeating the ATGC sequence. They are also DNA strands and are circular in structure.
Plasmids are engineered DNA stands and each sequence has its unique function in the plasmid. Let know about the basic structure of plasmids.

One sequence is the origin of the replication sequence using this sequence plasmid starts dividing in the cell independent of the cell division. So a cell can have a high number of plasmid stored per cell. Another sequence is marker sequence for example an antibiotic-resistant gene so that only cells with that gene can survive after putting plasmid the cell. The third is a multiple cloning site. This is the site where you can paste the gene that is copied from the cell’s DNA.

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Рекомендации по теме

sir can plz explain about blue colonies... if they have plasmid but not inserted plasmid can they change the color by forming functional beta glucosidase


It finally clicked! Thank you so much Dr. Kumar.
6:00 if you have a good understanding of genes and plasmids.


Sir mast padha rahe ho make video on charge relay system
