First time climbing tree ever! any tips what I'm doing right and wrong

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For me it was hardest to trust the gear. Once you trust the gear and realize you are not gonna fall unless something goes wrong, the easier it is to adjust and become comfortable. Stand up vertical as possible, don't gaff out but climb closer to the spar, you will know what's comfortable to you. Keeping your legs straight and locked in makes a huge difference. Keep safe!


Always vlimb with 2 bucking belts/ropes. Some trees have branches. You unhook one put it over the branch then put the second over so you Always got 1 bucker connected at all times


Spike spike flip. I've been climbing trees for only 4 years now, and the most basic fundamental thing that has stood out to me, no matter how high you are, just look in front of you and remember, "spike spike, flip"


Use your main climbing rope to create a cinching anchor. There are a couple ways to do this, either with a friction saver, or simply looping your rope around the tree and reattaching it to itself (you will need specialized gear, like a rope wrench, to add friction so you can descend on this). It will make the ascent slower and more laborious, but with just a lanyard, you have the potential to fall all the way to the ground if you gaff out, and eventually, you will gaff out. It also gives you a bail out option if something goes wrong and you need to get to the ground quickly.


I got a few for you but this isn't intended to be rude so please don't take it that way! 1 don't jam your spur in let your weight do the work so it's easier to get back out 2 tighten up your lanyard your body needs to be a bit more parallel to the tree, it'll help catch you sooner and hold you better on a palm 3 helmet is a good idea incase you slip you can hit your face pretty good 4 secondary climb line double wrapped around the stem just incase 5 usually three steps per lanyard raise 6 double check all your equipment connections before ascending(lanyard, climb line, spurr straps, biners) 7 spiking up a palm... not good for palms, it leaves holes that don't really go away. Other than that just get used to being uncomfortable👍


Just keep doing it. You should have a clinching canopy anchor with a descendable system as well. The main reason is if you get injured you can quickly and safely get down to the ground with out having to spike down


Don’t kick so hard you’re own weight will do the trick you get tired faster doing that don’t climb queen palms using spikes that can create infections on the tree plus it makes the trunk look horrible other than that it’s just repeating and gaining your own confidence on going faster the sky is our limit also get your self a good helmet and a good setup in case you need to get off quick and if you like what you are doing soon you will be flying from tree to tree in no time also invest on your gear you will work more comfortable you will be glad you did your life is worth more than that be safe always happy climbing brother and mashallah.


For something as smooth as that I would do a full wrap with my lanyard or use my floater (prusik with biner) to make it nice and tight. If you gaff out its probs gonna be a nice ride all the way down. You could also use your cinching life line in conjunction with your lanyard (hold them and advance them together). Everyone here seems to say trust your gear but I think you're trusting it too much. You have to understand that this line of work IS trying to kill you and you have to be smarter than it.


I’ve trimmed and removed a bunch of palms. Buckingham Tree Squeeze is my “go to” system. Along with wire core lanyard, they flip about the same and with both on while ascending, it helps prevent rotation on a leaner and you can bail anytime without doing anything else(bees, rats fire ants, centipede bites, etc), also you can loosen wire core and descend on a straight vertical palm without removing wire core( it’ll just dangle below you a bit).

Smaller steps and don’t need to kick in quite so hard( saves your knees) pretty good for first time!🤙🏽 video of yourself actually helps see what you’re objectively doing vs what you feel like you’re doing.


Been a climber for a few years and you are doing really well for your first climb, only thing I can say is trust your gear, if your spikes are sharp you shouldn't have to kick them into place you should be able to just walk up like a ladder, it will save a lot of energy on the really high climbs but otherwise your doing great! Stay safe and keep going after those tops


You need as secondary tie inn. AKA friction saver AKA lasso cinch AKA life line AKA repelling rope AKA hand line AKA bail out!
I think you get the message….
Always have 2 points to tie into, if you ever have to pass a branch your going to be putting yourself in an extremely dangerous situation. Good luck


U R doing better than my first time climbing 👍👍


On narrow or very smooth trees I’ll pass the lanyard around the tree an extra turn so it will cinch quickly if one of my gaffs fail which happens all the time. One lanyard is soft and is for work positioning, the other steel core for use when cutting.


oh, and take time to enjoy it. If you gaff out, you are just going to drop about a foot and get thrown into a tree hug. You are ok. Let your bones help you, don't make your muscles do it alone. Stand in your spurs. : )


Safety Tip: Before trusting all your weight going up on your next step. Make sure you drive the spike in all the way, (JAM IT DOWN IN THERE), that way you get better at trusting your gear. If the spikes fail, which at times they do. That lanyard is what stops you from falling to your death or either your zigzag secured on the pulley of the tree made. Have fun and welcome to the Arborist life. I'm 18 years in this year and I taught myself, then I went to Smitty's, Piekarsky & Sons, John's affordable tree service, to learn what I didn't know. Then I embarked on my own to save my clients thousands while making content living.


Get closer to the tree when you’re flipping your line up. You’ll advance way more and save your energy. We got a lot of palms out here in Vegas


Very good and stable for your first go! Don’t get any more upright, you want the gaffs going in at about a 45 degree.
Your instructors should have you in a helmet with chin strap (not a hard hat). You should also be on a climbing line, pre-set in the top. Makes tree work exponentially safer and easier. 20 year vet in tall PNW trees here.


Hey man looks pretty good. Toughest part is having patience with the rigging and cutting


Looks good for the first time .. hang in there. Keep it up.


Nice, maybe kick in a little more to set spike more firmly. When kicks out it can often contact opposite calf.Not a minor ingery. Commenter suggested 2 buck straps is right on.Also buy the kind of straps that have adjustable and have the inner safety cable. A small nick in a rope by a chain saw usually cut it completely. Learn how wood strength and hinging varies by species. Never free climb or trust deadwood, and always tie into the main trunk, not the side branch.
