Management of the Borderline Ascending Aorta

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Session given on February 24, 2021
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My brother’s (73 )new doctor sent him to cardio because he thought he had a fib. Turned out to be ascending aortic aneurysm (4.8cm). They’re watching it. Family history, both mother and father) father had an abdominal AA, had surgery at 66 years and lived to 87. Cousin on dads side dropped with no warning, mothers side: her sister had abdominal AA; her brother had one that “blew out” in 1965 and died in 2002 at 82; another of her brothers refused surgery and he died from burst aneurysm. My brother and I are 11 1/2 mos apart and because of our family history my cardiologist is recommending complete testing and I concur.


Thank you, 62yo male here recently discovered a 4.2cm Ascending aortic aneurysm via CT scan. I am educating myself ASAP.


Are endovascular stents an option for <5.5cm AAA's?


This is good clear information and I was happy to see the indexing equation as my diameter is 43mm (to be confirmed by CT) but I'm 188cm so in a low risk category. I feel like a lot of cardiologists are giving excessively cautious advice on exercising to people in my category as the data really isn't there.

There is currently a long-term study being carried out on Masters athletes who have enlarged aortic diameters as the hypothesis is that it may be a harmless adaptation in some endurance athletes and will not raise the risk of dissection.


Thank you very informative! 62 yo female 5.2 ascending aorta with AVR mech valve 2005. Was super difficult to find info on surgical risk (re-surgery) vs dissection risk when I was diagnosed in 2019. Your presentation totally supports my conclusion made with my doctors at Cleveland Clinic, where I went to get expert advice. Am being monitored, no change in size since 2019 😊


62 year old male at 5.1 AAA and have good bp and descent cholesterol. Surgeon wants to wait till next summer and monitor it. Also have a leaking valve .This has been monitored for 20 years and has just increased this year.


I am a 53yo male, 5'7", 175 pounds, and I walk about 28 miles a week. My blood pressure is good. However, I do have a bicuspid valve, a maternal grandfather that died at 62 of a heart attack, a father who had heart problems. I was also injured when I was younger in an auto accident and I have portal vein thrombosis and espophageal varices due to a loss of my spleen, and I almost bled to death this year due to the varices bleeding. As a result of various tests, I was diagnosed with a 4.8 cm ascending aortic aneurysm. My doctor is willing to do surgery now. My thinking is I don't want this hanging over me, a growth rate of 14mm/year means I'll be at the 5.0 threshold in a couple of years, and I am very fit and healthy otherwise now and never going to be healthier or younger. I really don't want open heart surgery. But I also think it is time to have the surgery. Anyone have any thoughts?


I have a question about a dilated aortic root and exercise. What kind of exercise is okay to do? What types of exercise should one avoid?


Absoultely outstanding. Thank you very much indeed for posting this disucssion. Help a great deal with the worry about such a finding on Echo. 4.2 dialtion of aortic root. BP well controlled as is weight. Question about profession - semi-professional athelets. I did find a couple of studies mostly focused on cardiac hypertrophy and LV diastolic dysfucntion..grade 1. Low normal EJ 50 -55%. So looking at the mechanics. This dysfucntionand dilation seems a little more complicated with a low EJ? Best wishes to all on this. Once again thank to Dr. Pozeg.


Hello, when is the discussed study supposed to have some results ?


If I have a small expanding aneurysm is their a medicine to stop the Arctic exspanding?



What do you think about aortic wrapping?


thankyou I have a bicuspid valve lasted 74yrs and and I have had a Edward sapien valve put in on 27th


71 y.o. Male with 4.3 aorta. Being monitored biannually bp normally 120/70 low cholesterol and good blood chemistry. Are there lifestyle changes I should consider to minimize risk? Very active physically, good diet, medium alcohol consumption


Im 42 and need a aortic aneurysm repair my number is 6.2 cm. And i need a valve replacement. Severe aortic stenosis with regurgitation. I literally getting a review now and find out what the gameplan is. Im was born with aortic valve disease. But im optimistic and just want to getbit done and over with fairly healthy besides this issue. Thanks for video nice to know whats gonna happen. Nov 14th my surgery 🎉🎉🎉


seems like age should be a significant factor in decisions. Putting off surgery for a 60 year old places potential surgery into later years when surgery is higher risk. And there is a compounding effect, with a certain percent mortality that compounds each year, vs surgery which is a discrete event, once and done.


I have a 4.3 aortic aneurysm in my aortic root learning how to cope


63 y.o. w.m... just clocked in at 4.3 aorta read... chol. 157... Bp 137 / 83 ... Follow up in june ... 🙏🤞🧐😎


My husband was 63 years old and diagnose 3mm aneurysm in aorta.what is the proper length time of MRI examination to know if it's getting bigger.


I'm a 50yr old female haven't long been diagnosed with a bicuspid aortic value and a mild aortic regurgitation dilated 40mm in an asending position ?
