Next JS Project: Setup and First Steps

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Hello, we're going to explore together how to create websites with Next JS (and of course, React) using Tailwind, Typescript and more.

I firmly believe in learning by doing, and so we’ll be going through a series of projects that will allow us to explore the different aspects of creating a website using Next JS. We’ll be covering stuff like authentication, and interacting with databases, creating a biog and a portfolio, and using React for interactivity.

To be able to follow along you’ll need to understand the basics of JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Stuff like: what is a `div` in HTML? What is a function or a variable in JS? However you _don’t_ need to know any React, TypeScript, or Tailwind. We’ll cover what you need along the way.

In this video we will be going over four points :

First, we’ll look at the **basics prerequisites **you need to get started: the software and the tools you need to have installed.

Second, we’ll install the** Next JS software on our computer**, and set it up with Tailwind and TypeScript.

Third, we’ll take a look at the **way Next JS is structured**, what the different folders are for. Which files go where?

And finally, we’ll take a first look at **how routing works in Next JS**, and we’ll create a few simple basic pages to illustrate how routing works.
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Thanks man, I wish there wasn't a background music; it's too noisy and disctracting.
overall keep it up!


so helpful, appreciate your explanations of what it is you're installing. so much to learn from setup alone! Appreciate you :)


Thanks a lot. It helped to make a basic structure of the project. ❤


Thanks for this - not a big fan of Typescript but your converting me :)


Thank you so much good Sir. God bless you.


Kindly remove the music. It hinders in the focusing and quiet annoying
